How in the hell...
...can there not be any discussions about this movie?! It's hilarious!
I've gotta say, I don't understand the low ratings either. I mean OK it's not the greatest film on the planet, but it's pretty harmless and entertaining. To have a rating under 5 is a bit unfair... especially when so much crap that gets released manages to scrape a 6 on average. I wonder why so many people rated the film so poorly?
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
I thought this was an excellent movie.
I must have seen it half a dozen times.
I, too, was surprised that there was no discussion for this movie. Actually, I thought that I was initiating one, when I clicked "discuss," and this thread appeared.
I don't recall it in theaters in the US (I live in a major city). But a friend caught it on cable, and recommended it. It is silly and improbable...and I love it!! Why did I love it?:
--I loved Dudley Moore's comedy and warmth.
--I have been deeply in love with Bryan Brown, since "A Town Like Alice," on Masterpiece Theater.
--Venice is one of my favorite places on the planet.
But, those "loves," are just icing on the cake. It's a funny film, with a clever "twisty," plot.
I was pleased to read etch-1's comments on the cast. When I first saw it, I didn't know of Richard Griffiths. I have, since, seen him in several films, and he won the Tony award (Broadway), this year for Best Actor. I wasn't surprised to read that many other cast members were well-recognized British performers.
A friend once borrowed my tape, and didn't return it before moving far away. A few months ago, I found it at a garage sale for $1.00...what a bonanza!!
I was lucky to catch this in the theater when it came out. Was playing for about 1 week, then it vanished. I was so surprised this film didn’t do better… It’s great.
Trust me,