Why A Mixed Race Family
I have plenty of ideas for what the ideal mixed race family would be if Universal were to make another Beethoven film.
African-American father (Ving Rhames if they wanted someone with big muscular arms, which will come in hand for the film's battle against the bad guys), Asian mother (Chinese if they are hiring the talented and attractive Ming Na Wen), with an Indian teenage daughter (Middle Eastern is more specific, just like Jasmine), plus a son and younger daughter who are Hispanic (one could be Mexican, the other could be Cuban).
Asian father (Jackie Chan is an easy fit because of his moves for taking out the bad guys) and because he's Chinese, or George Takei if it was Japanese), African-American mother (Jada Pinkett Smith will work even if it means her husband cannot join due to the incident), alongside a Hispanic teenage daughter (I was thinking Mexican much like Selena) plus a son and younger daughter who are Romanian (the latter could pull off an easy Esmeralda).
Hispanic father (Edward James Olmos because he's Mexican and was able to portray Abraham perfectly), Romanian mother (Demi Moore will work because she did Esmeralda), with an African-American teenage daughter (I'm getting Aaliyah vibes from that), plus a son and younger daughter who are Asian (one could be Korean, the other one could be Filipino).
Romanian father (IDK who could fit), Hispanic mother (Jennifer Lopez is a good choice because she's Puerto Rican, but you can also include Gloria Estefan because she's Cuban, and both have awesome songs), with an Asian teenage daughter (I was thinking Japanese for that anime vibe), plus a son and younger daughter who are African-American.
I would love this because I will give the parents, teenage daughter, and villains credit, their actors are top-notch. I forgot about the Hawaiians and Native Americans, but I know how to work this:
The Hawaiian mother has to be portrayed by Tia Carrere because she was able to pull off an attractive Hawaiian female named Nani Pelaki. A Native American mother would likely be played by Irene Bedard because everyone knows her as Pocahontas, and that's provided if she can get her legal issues cleared up. Not certain about the father or the kids, but I can leave that up to the creators.
What do you think?