MovieChat Forums > Batman Returns (1992) Discussion > Comparing Batman '89 and this one

Comparing Batman '89 and this one

I just recently rewatched Tim Burton's two Batman movies. Obviously by today's standards there are tons of problems with both of them, but in their time they were revolutionary for the comic book movie genre. As much as I can remember, I was blown away by Batman (1989) how it adapted Gotham City and the atmosphere of the comics on the big screen, but Batman Returns topped even that for me, as Burton went even further with the surrealistic style and the weirdness of the characters.

Almost thirty years later though, I have to say Batman overall is a better film than Returns. Rewatching the '92 movie the plot is ridiculously flawed and all over the place, which was not the case (at least not to this extent) with the first movie.

Considering when they were made and the fact that the genre was not nearly as established as it is today, I give Batman an 8 and Batman Returns a 7.


By today's standards there are a lot of problems with the Dark Knight series. Things change. Burton's are classics.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Are you saying that Burton's movies are better, because they were made 20 years earlier, thus they already had the chance to become classics?


I'm saying that I grew up with Burton's Batman's so they will always be my favorites, and better than the Nolan's. Though, I enjoyed the Dark Knight and Rises. They just didn't feel very Batman-y to me. The sets for Burton's were far and away better than Chicago filling in for Gotham.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


I agree that the world and the atmosphere Burton created is absoloutely unique (more comic booky than Nolan's movies), actually that is why I can still appreciate those two movies despite their outdatedness. Nolan decided to go for a more serious and grounded-in-reality tone which I also like, and I believe is a valid take on "Batman".


I have to disagree. I saw them both when they first came out; I preferred Batman Returns then and I prefer it now. Although I like Batman that film is harder for me to rewatch. Returns is no effort at all, just enjoyable.

All for a box of chocolates...


Agreed, Milk. I also had the pleasure of seeing it in theaters. Phenomenal stuff.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


The plot is pretty erratic and that's a flaw but not necessarily a big flaw. I think it's still pretty entertaining and gives the very interesting characters pretty good stories.

I like BR more mostly because I think Nicholson is just a bit too hammy and mugging and indulgent as the Joker in B89 while in BR the villains a lot better, a lot more characters rather than just performances. That may be in part because I like the comic book Joker a lot more than I like the comic book Penguin or Catwoman.

Agreed that both films had great visuals and, for the most part, atmosphere.


I agree. Batman actually reigned in Burton's excesses and made him focus on a more credible world, good action scenes and a simple love story, which complemented Nicholson's batshít insane antics. In Returns he's off the leash and it's too Burton - panto feel, lots of weird characters, even less interest in Keaton's excellent Batman, worse action (at the end of Batman we see the awesome Batwing, in Returns he's in some sewer go-cart). I like Returns but it lacks muscularity and it's all a bit style over substance.


The Batski is awesome.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


How awesome though? The Batwing actually inspires awe, and when it flew up to the moon? A million teenagers minds were blown across the nation. The 'Batski'? Not so much. It skipped over a river of shít for a bit. At best it's a weirdly amusing bonus gadget, but certainly Batman's crappest vehicle, and hardly 'awesome'.


I disagree. The Batwing is cooler, though admittedly.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


Yes it's quite a crappy vehicle indeed Drooch and did you felt the first movie was like a Batman movie while this movie is just a Tim Burton film go nuts?

But this movie and 1989's movie did spawned Batmania in the late 80s and early 90s just like Frank Miller and Alan Moore's popular takes in comics did and not to mention big time merchandise and hype and let's not forget the amazing animated show in the 90s, remember that one? a show that was popular weekday afternoons and prime time attracting audiences of all ages mostly young teens, teens and adults with it's mature quality writing and action and timeless feel like 1989's Batman did, not to mention a solid cast even Kevin Conroy to Richard Moll to Mark Hamil to Adrienne Barbeau.

But Nolan did resurrected Batman to the big screen after the series was killed by Batman and Robin and made a fine trilogy no doubt.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


Some people are hard to please.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


That's a good point- 89 has more macho muscularity, a real American action film feel which can be nice. Just ask Spielberg. Returns is too much of Tim's "I hate the cool kids" vibe and him doing his usual crusade into weirdness on behalf of all the geeky goth outcasts like him, and it's stupid and an ill fit for Batman. Who is pretty much Mr. American Muscularity.


I absolutely love both films. But Batman Returns I prefer a little bit more. In Batman I don't like only one thing - Prince songs. In Batman Returns I love everything from start to finish.

Obviously by today's standards there are tons of problems with both of them

What are the problems?
Rewatching the '92 movie the plot is ridiculously flawed and all over the place
What are the flaws?


1989 Batman felt like a Batman movie, this one felt like a Tim Burton film gone wrong.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


Batman Returns is the arthouse version of Batman, I think its a stronger film than the 89 movie.


A little stronger. I like Batman too, but Returns is the best, for sure.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


this one felt like a Tim Burton film gone wrong

In my opinion, Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns are the highlights of Tim Burton's career. I can understand complaints of die-hard Batman fans that maybe in BR Burton went too far with his own ideas. And maybe thus it makes BR more a Burton movie than a Batman movie. But, of course, it doesn't make BR a bad film. On the contrary, I think it gives more depth to Batman characters and shows them to us in a different light.

As for me, for example, I have never been a Batman fan. And I think that if I met Batman for the first time in Shumacher or Nolan movies and most espescially in comics (I have never loved comics in general) I wouldn't become too interested in it. But there is some special humanity in Burton's approach to Batman characters and Batman universe in general (and in BR it is manifested in full force) that makes me love them with all my heart. That's why I'd like to thank Tim Burton. And that's why his Batman movies will always be No.1 for me.


Well there is a couple of excellent mature graphic novels of Batman like Dark Knight Returns, Batman Year One and Killing Joke which were borrowed for the movies even Nolan's Batman.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


Career, ivsm. Career.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


In my opinion, Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns are the highlights of Tim Burton carrer

Completely agree.

All for a box of chocolates...


I think Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd are his best.

I also love Batman, Batman Returns and Mars Attacks!


Tim Burton's best movies all begin with B. Beetlejuice, Batman, and Batman Returns.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


Returnz wuz my fave but I just watched on cable and wuz utterly bored. Maybe I watch too much but not really.

I know I watched Nolan batman trilogy many timez and still not bored. I think they just better stories and grittier. Earlier batman filmz just way too childish even wid da blood and burnt headz from Returnz.

I think 89 may have better story and rewatch factor. Returnz wuz just style over substance.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafckka


I personally enjoyed the 89 film more so.

Avenged Sevenfold ships Fluttershy and Discord
