MovieChat Forums > Bad Lieutenant (1992) Discussion > I got this and Reservoir Dogs for $2.

I got this and Reservoir Dogs for $2.

They came in a box together. I got it for Reservoir Dogs and have never heard of this, so I'm just wondering if it's worth my time or not.


I got this set as well. I was expecting to get a double sided DVD, but instead got two discs. Awesome deal

As for the movie I haven't watched it yet


I got the same deal. Where did you get your copies??? I got mine for two bucks at a place called Big Lots. I just watched it, and it's a good movie. But, I could have gone without seeing Harvey Keitel's penis.


What's wrong with showing penis? It's like showing tits. But to the topic, I hate when someone asks if he should watch some movie, why don't you just watch it and find out if it is worth your time?


Where did the first two people get it for two bucks??


I too purchased this double feature for 2 bucks at Big Lots and just watched Bad Lieutenant. I really liked it and thought Harvey Keitel's performance was amazing.


I got the same package deal too, but it wasn't quite $2 cheap.


I got it for $3.00 at Ocean State Job Lots in Quincy, MA.

HorrorParade.Com is coming soon...


Love the Job Lot!! I got it at Big Lots for $3 myself, helluva' double feature at any price!!


Big Lots for me too, that's hilarious. Black Friday, even. Just watched the movie a couple of nights ago though and it blew my mind. I'm not sure if it was in a good way or bad way but it definitely had an impact on me. Its totally disgusting and heart wrenching but impossible not to watch. Give it a try.

Stan Grossman is one bad Mutha


Reservoir Dogs is the FREIKEN BEST MOVIE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad Lieutenant is another one of my favorites as well! Harvey Keitel's performance in this film was phenomenal i really loved it loved it loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


i got it for free


