substance abuse

Heavy drinking, coke snorting, crack smoking, and a herion user, if there are people like that, just how long can the human body take that kind of abuse ? I know that was a movie, but just wondering.


People do these things for decades, especially if they're able to maintain a job so they can stay, otherwise, relatively healthy.


years... and years.. I deal with addicted people all the time and you will see when someone has used for half their life, when they are age 35 and look 60.


Yep....theres this myth that drugs get you 2 places ...jail or dead. And though you up your chances finding your self in those places ....a good deal of druggies and addicts live lives that go on and on...lots of people are functional addicts ...keeping even the most addictive drugs " in moderation"
Weekends for instance....we"re talking about crack and heroin ....and probably healthier than chronic legal oxy 4 times a day...

This is an


No, it's not healthier.


It really depends on the individual body. Some addicts will croak a lot sooner than others, though this can also be dependent on if they avoid ODing. Most people who are intensely, continually addicted probably won't live very long, as in say, past the end of middle age (provided that they started using in their 20s or earlier). The body isn't mean to withstand that long-term abuse. It is breaking down every step of the way.

And regardless of what has been said about "functional" addicts who have jobs and all that, believe me, those people's lives are in turmoil and so are the lives of those who love them. They usually don't keep jobs for very long, and even before they are at their worst, it is common for them to be trying to swindle addiction funds from other people. It's not even much different with alcoholics.


Ask Keith Richards.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


...and Ozzy Osbourne & David Crosby.
