Based On A Real Life Crime
This "work of fiction" is actually based on a real life crime. On October the 10th of 1981 two black thugs living in the Manhattan, New York City, neighborhood of Harlem broke into The Sisters of Charity Convent located in the same neighborhood. Once inside they grabbed a 30 year old nun and proceeded to rape and torture her. They used a nail file they had found to carve 27 crosses into her flesh, shoved a crucifix into her anus and vagina and forced her to perform oral sex. They robbed the place before they left.
A couple of weeks later the two creeps, Max Lindeman and Howard Wells, were arrested by "Bad Lieutenant", real life NYPD detective Richard "Bo" Dietl.
What happened after that is not really clear. One story is that the prosecutor's office cut a plea deal with the criminals so that the nun would not have to be traumatized by testifying against her attackers in open court. Another story...the film that the nun forgave her attackers and refused to testify against them. The last story, and the most likely, is that the people running the governments of the City and State of New York didn't want to put a young white nun on the stand to describe how she was tortured and raped by two black thugs fearing that it would ignite a race war, so they covered it up.
Wells did only 9 years in prison, and his current whereabouts are unknown. Lindeman did only 13 years in prison. While in prison he obtained a FREE college education from Marist College(founded by a Catholic religious order). Upon his release he obtained employment with the Center for Community Alternatives. He obtained a masters degree from Yeshiva University, got married and has children. He is currently working on his Ph.D at Yeshiva(expected to be awarded in 2014)
If you don't believe me, read it for yourselves.