
I first watched this film something like 15 years ago, when I was 15 or 16. A few friends had talked about it and I was intrigued. I remember being disappointed then and the only scene that stuck in my mind was the infamous one with the girls in the car. Being older and able to appreciate a far greater range a film styles and genres than I did when I was a testosterone filled teenager, I thought I’d give it another go when I saw it was on TV the other night.

Unfortunately, it’s clear I simply can’t get on with this film. I disliked everyone on show, nobody more so than the lead himself. The film came with a sinister atmosphere but, on the whole, it was dull, really dull, so much so I fell asleep. I subsequently tried watching it again, attributing my previous failure to see it through to good old fashioned fatigue, but I’m sorry to say it had the same tranquillising effect.

Bleak, depressing and a willingness to tackle and portray things taboo I can handle, tedious and dull I can’t, and Bad Lieutenant is one tediously dull film.



OK, thanks for your feedback. Care to expand though?

I can say, however, that your reply does make you sound like a most horrible individual. Bullied were you?

"Punk". Could you be any more American, you conceited merkin?


I think calling it rubbish is actually paying it a compliment.

You should've called it 'trash', then the yank may've actually understood it. What a close minded imbecile that obviously doesn't realise that English people will tend to use English terminology.

What a mug!


I have mixed feelings about this movie. I give it 7 out of 10 so a very mild thumbs up.

Yes, it is too slow. Too languid and dull. A bit too "art house" in a bad way. A lot of scenes don't quite work. It plays too much like Martin Scorsese lite.

And the ugliness, nastiness and pathetic-ness (if that is a word) of the main character is cringe worthy.

The remake with Nicholas Cage is a flawed and uneven film but at least it treats the subject with black humor. It is more bearable that way.


I agree with your sentiments, expecially "art house in a bad way", except that I would give it 4/10.

See a list of my favourite films here:


I have a hard time with films that have no likeable characters. The only remotely likeable character was the bookie who tried to discourage the cop from betting any further. On second thought he wasn't likeable at all.

Dark, slow-moving, and depressing. I was disappointed.


I hated it. I know some think that the ending was some sort of brilliant "died for their sins" stroke of genius, but it just bored me. I'd have liked the movie a lot more if the LT had capped the scumbags and then himself. Preferably in the first half hour.

Keitel was great in it, no doubt about that, and I didn't have to sit through the version with his so-called "money shot," which was another plus. However, I would have to be paid a lot to watch this movie again. Bad Lieutenant? Bad Movie is more like it. Three times as long as it needed to be.


Yeah, without Keitel's brilliant performance, I probably would have turned it off. Abel Ferrera has lead one of the most fascinating careers in indie filmmaking history, but the man honestly had no clue how to tell a story. He seems to think showing a lot of perverse, seedy behavior is all what it takes to engage an audience. His movies often have really fascinating ideas in mind that aren't fully paid off as he revels more in showing sex and violence than exploring said ideas. This was no exception.

So yeah, great performance, interesting lead character, but weak script and direction. 6/10
