Great Movie

This is one of the best indy films from one of the best indy directors to ever get near a camera.

Some day all you tweens and teeny boppers will get sick of that big budget generic crap they use to sell popcorn and you will go back to rewatching stuff like this and your opinion will be different. Trust me

--Ju know what a "Hasa" is Frank!?! Dat's a PIG, that don't "FLY STRAIGHT"


Agreed. So real you can feel the grime dripping off the screen. Keitel was amazing.


It's absolutely a Classic. I've had so many discussions about this film. People who are turned off by the contents or think its far fetched and just repulsive...

Not a chance. People who have lived in the Crime World(I did for most if my life), can understand the plunge that LT goes through. Drugs take their toll. Now, take that sick mind and put it in a position of power. Its a very REAL idea. I knew a Cop who was a Heroin Addict. He pulled people over(Dealers, Users and even Illegal Immigrants) and made them hand over what they had or he'd lock them up.... Well, he obviously got caught up, lost his job, a ton of the department was under investigation and eventually a few others got caught as well.

Moral... Well, Cops are People. They are subject to anything the Public is. You can't escape reality... This film pulls it off to perfection


absolutely agree. if you think this stuff cannot be real , you are living in a bubble.

As If!!
