SPOILERS ALERT when the lieutenant...
... got shot and killed at the end, were you actually glad he was or did you feel, at least to an extent, sorry for him?
I mean on one hand, he was in many ways a bad and slimy and corrupt character who did a lot of bad things (as he even claimed) especially involving the two young girls in a car etc.
But on the other hand, he kind of showed that he perhaps wanted to become a better person, even punish the two men who raped the nun, redeem himself and whatnot and you can even argue that killing him like that and for the reasons as such at the end was STILL wrong.
So did you feel sorry for lieutenant when he got shot and killed in the end or did you feel glad and that he deserved it?
And on a side note, imagine IF somehow the two girls from the car found out about it, do you think THEY would be glad that he was killed? What about that nun or even the two rapists themselves?
But in general, what do you think, thanks!
The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!