the film doesnt make it entirely clear wether bianca is either pregnant and has an abortion/loses the baby/ and at what stage!!or is mistaken she is pregnant and so needs to steal a baby to cover up what ever lie... La Semilla del Diablo...
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I'm leaning towards she WAS pregnant because when she was in the ER, they would have been able to confirm one way or another while she was unconscious.
I always got the impression she never was pregnant and knew she wasn't. Her husband tells her he's leaving her and as he's leaving the house, she runs after him and blurts out with no emotion, "Cal, I'm pregnant". I thought it was heavily insinuated that was just an excuse she came up with on the spot because it was the only thing she knew would deter him from leaving. I think if she had really been pregnant and miscarried, that would have been revealed to us at the hospital after her collapse from her medical condition.
Bianca was pregnant but she lost the baby when doing the nursery room and she pass out and Cal find her and we see the doctor telling her she could try again in year.
D.H.F.F Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill
I’m thinking she was never pregnant. Maybe she thought her diabetes symptoms were pregnancy/morning sickness symptoms. Because it seemed like she wasn’t aware she was diabetic.
She never was pregnant. He was going to leave her and she blurted out she was pregnant so he would stay with her. The doctor was puzzled when Cal asked about the safety of the baby. The doc urged Bianca to tell her husband but she never did. She was a crazy woman.