Why do we teach such an romanticized version of Christopher Columbus?
Why is this the common version of Columbus's journey we teach to kids? Columbus was not that great of a guy... leaving the genocide of Indians to the side, he wasn't even that smart. He got Lucky, he didn't expected to find the new lands, and his calculations prior to the journey were ccompletely wrong.
Even if the new world wasn't there, and he, somehow, managed to reach Asia, it would make a difference on trade routes. Plus, why did they make up stories that he was the only one to think the earth wasn't flat? Why lie?
I get it that what he did was indeed legendary, he was the first European to reach the new world and documented it to show to the old world. But that is all he did. If he had died during his voyage, someone else would have reach it layer one, maybe a portugues vessel would land on the coast of South America.