MovieChat Forums > X-Men (1992) Discussion > Dark Phoenix Plot Hole (Speed)

Dark Phoenix Plot Hole (Speed)

Ok, I must apologize, I am talking about the comic, not the TV show. Not sure if the animated show also has a similar mistake, but this is something I just noticed and wanted to share with the world.

I am rounding these numbers, but this really shows how writers don't think. At all.

Earth's distance from the sun is about 150 million kilometers.
Jupiter's distance from the sun is about 780 million kilometers.

Light speed is about 300 000 kilometers per second.

Ok so far?

It would take light fourty (40) minutes (min) to reach Jupiter from the sun. And this is light speed.

Dark Phoenix is shown to pass by a 'UN Sun Research Vessel' or something (which would have taken YEARS for the crew to get to that position, even if they traveled at speeds over 10 000 km/h or even double that - how did they solve all the problems from Van Allen Belt to Sun Flares to bringing enough Oxygen and food for such a long time?).

Dark Phoenix then uses 'the slingshot effect' (did they watch too much Star Trek or something??) that increases her speed 'thousandfold'.

Ok, so she was a 'thousand times slower' than she became, and she 'passed Jupiter' before the man in the "UN Sun Research Vessel" (or whatever it was) 'finished his sentence' (which couldn't have taken that long, since it was a short sentence).

Now, there are SO many problems with this. First, how does she get from Earth to the Sun in basically let's say a few seconds? That's pretty darn fast, since even light takes several MINUTES to arrive to Earth from sun.

So to begin with, she HAD to be at least bordering on light speed - but we're not told how long she was traveling, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and claim she didn't supercede light speed (this would have so many problems, as we'll soon see).

Dark Phoenix kept it under light speed and arrived at the sun, to increase her speed a 'thousandfold'.

First of all, it would HAVE to had been more than 'thousandfold' for her to be able to 'pass Jupiter before the guy can finish his sentence'. But let's say he's a slow speaker, so it takes her two seconds instead of one.

Now, if she was traveling at light speed, which is 300 000 km/second, and the 'slingshot effect' would've increased her speed 'thousandfold', she would now be traveling at 300 000 000 km/second. That's three hundred MILLION kilometers per second, leaving light WAY behind as some kind of slowpoke.

I calculated her speed being at least 800 000 000 km/second, since she didn't just REACH Jupiter, she PASSED Jupiter in one second. If it's two seconds, that's still 400 000 000 km/second, that's still faster than THOUSAND times as fast as light!

Now, see the problem? (pun intended)

How can anyone SEE her move, if she moves that fast? They're all amazed as to how fast she moves, but since she moves FASTER than light, what makes anyone _SEE_ her move, since the eyesight is BASED ON LIGHT. Therefore, eye can't 'see faster than light', and light is all it sees. Therefore, the light bouncing off of her and traveling all the way 'from past Jupiter' into these people's eyes, would've been so slow she'd have been LONG gone before any light can even hit her.

Furthermore, HOW can light even hit her, since she's so much faster than light?

Also, she'd have to alter her mass properties or she can never reach such speeds, so therefore, she'd be even LESS visible.

The writers never, ever think these things through. They just make things move really fast and YET depict them visually AND having been SEEN by someone and tracked (with some U.N. computers!) - ALTHOUGH they move faster than light, so light can never catch it to hit to bounce off of it, and even if it could, it wouldn't be able to display its true speed, as it can only move at 'light speed'.

So anything you SEE, can't be faster than light, because the eye only sees light, and is thus limited by 'light speed' in that way.

Why don't writers ever think these things through? All I wanted was measure Dark Phoenix's speed, but I kept just bumping into these errors and mistakes, that could be called plot holes. No one should be able to see or track Dark Phoenix at least on the physical level with physical eyes, if she's moving FASTER THAN LIGHT, because physical stuff needs to gather light to see anything.

P.S. How could the 'slingshot effect' work anyway on a being that's not affected by gravity (or she couldn't do those space flights), and that absolutely CAN NOT remain physical (or she could never reach those speeds)? How does a 'slingshot effect' work on a non-physical being that shouldn't be affected by gravity? And if she IS affected by gravity, she can't fly freely in space, since every planet and the sun have gravities.

They can't have it both ways, and yet here we go.. you have to be physical for the 'slingshot effect' to work, and yet you can't be physical to travel faster than light. And yet this was not addressed in the comic AT ALL!


you actually believe comic book writers are scientists.


My advice is never read comics at all or watch comic based movies or shows at all if you can't stand they don't use real world science. You might as well complain that in the original comics Peter Parker and Bruce Banner got superpowers instead of dying from radiation poisoning.


