Stern's beef with Leno

is just sad now.
Heard he was ranting about Jay on Letterman recently.


Yes, Howard says "I know I bring this up everytime I come on, Dave..." and proceeds to knock Jay all over again with his same old "he stole the TTS from you" line. How could Jay steal a show that Dave didn't own to begin with? NBC was telling both guys that they the short list to replace Johnny. The network suits, however, signed a contract with Jay when it looked like he was about to go to CBS (ironically, this is what Dave ended up doing). It's also close to the same thing that happened when NBC promised Conan "The Tonight Show" at Jay's expense because they were about to lose O'Brien to FOX. Does Howard think Conan was bad to accept the show under those terms? Surrre never sounded like it. But what Jay did, however, is criminal. His charges are just double standards and nonsense.

But what Howard couldn't accept the other night was that Dave and Jay are apparently in communication again, and he doesn't want to see them end their feud. He says to Dave, "I feel like I'm in the jungles of Vietnam still fighting for you". Someone needs to tell Howard that Vietnam was a nasty, pointless mistake, too. Guess he just wants to keep it going because it's good for business as his fans seem to like hearing him spew his bile at Jay.


NBC was telling both guys that

It was more than that. NBC agreed to pay Letterman 1 million if he didn't get the show.

Howard feels Jay stole from him. He'll never forgive/forget that.

Kisskiss, Bangbang


It was more than that. NBC agreed to pay Letterman 1 million if he didn't get the show.

Yes, that was Dave's deal, and (according to "The Late Shift") he admitted he was a sucker when he settled in negotiations for such a tiny penalty. Conan at least made sure that he would get substantially more if NBC went back on their deal with him.

Howard feels Jay stole from him. He'll never forgive/forget that.

He also says everyone from Jamaica is a crook and thinks it's okay to refer to a mentally challenged girl as Wendy the retard. Remember once Geraldo asking him if he truly believed everything he said, and Howard claimed he did. If that's the case then I think Howard's the last person to be judging anyone else's morals.


Dave and Howard both suck. Leno rules!


Howard's just a blabber mouth who gives his fans what they want: hostility masked as entertainment. Dave at least seems to be coming around by communicating now with Jay. Maybe that therapy he told Oprah he was seeking is paying off, eh? I wouldn't be surprised if Dave had Jay on "The Late Show" some time as a guest. Maybe even the first night Fallon hosts "The Tonight Show; he tried to do that when Conan was taking over. We'll see.


Howard smells.


I have always been a bigger Letterman fan than Leno (don't watch either anymore), but Jay did nothing wrong. NBC was talking to both of them and simply picked Jay. It was never Dave's job to begin with. Jay stole nothing from him.

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I have always been a bigger Letterman fan than Leno (don't watch either anymore), but Jay did nothing wrong. NBC was talking to both of them and simply picked Jay. It was never Dave's job to begin with. Jay stole nothing from him.

Couldn't agree more. Dave should've foreseen what might happen when Jay, and for a time, Gary Shandling, were named as permanent guest hosts of "The Tonight Show". Wasn't Jay's fault that Dave didn't negotiate a better contract for himself.


Stern sends too many mixed messages that don't always add up.

He doesn't like what Jay "did" to Conan, even though it was the network that "did" it.

Stern also didn't like the way the network fired Regis, and how they turned it into a pseudo-retirement type deal, when it was really a firing.
This was the exact same thing that happened to Leno, and he can't even see that?

Stern is also one of those people who complains that he basically invented everything and that everybody has stolen all his ideas
While he's not entirely wrong in that summation (I mean, the show Are you hot was a blatant rip-off) he just comes off as whinny.


Stern is also one of those people who complains that he basically invented everything and that everybody has stolen all his ideas

Howard also claimed Jay Walking was ripped off from him, but we know the man-in-the-street routine was pioneered by the original host of "The Tonight Show", Steve Allen, back in the 1950's. Further, when Jay used to have Howard on "TTS", Howard never said anything against him to his face. I don't think he ever would. He only attacks Jay from a safe distance.
