Monologue jokes
"The economy's bad. Guy went to a bank to ask for a loan, the banker said "we were just about to ask you the same thing".
"The economy's so bad I saw Mrs. Fields today selling Girl Scout cookies."
"I saw a guy at Cosco buying one roll of toilet paper."
"A guy on Hollywood Boulevard said to a hooker 'what can I get for an extra 50?'
The hooker said '100 shares of General Motors.'
"The ecomomy's bad. I saw a kid at Halloween buying a pumpkin, for food."
"Kids are getting too fat. The only way a kid gets a 4.0 these days is on the Richter Scale."
"Kids are getting so fat when baby carriages back up they beep."
"These days instead of pony rides kids are getting fork lift rides."
"Kids are getting so fat whales are starting to go kid watching."
"Kids are getting so fat Sesame Street's just been widened."
"Snap crackle and pop used to be the sound Rice Krispies made. Now it's what you hear when a kid tries to do up his pants."
"These tough new immigration laws are terrible. They even forced one guy to move his show from 11 o'clock to midnight."