MovieChat Forums > The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1992) Discussion > Why are talk shows like these never avai...

Why are talk shows like these never available on DVD or for download?

It would seem to make financial sense to offer older episodes for sale. I assume the studios keep copies of these shows in their archives. But finding copies of old episodes is nearly impossible. Youtube will sometimes contained scattered clips, but that's about as good as it gets.

Is there some reason the studios don't want people ever seeing these episodes again?


They probably think not enough people would buy them due to parts being outdated (jokes related to the news, actors promoting movies, etc) and that most people would rather watch them live. I agree though I think it would be good to just bundle them all up and let people buy them, they've already recorded them and they're ready to sell so it doesn't make much sense not to do it. I know you can download individual episodes (illegally) but I don't personally do that (don't want to risk it plus it seems like too much trouble doing them one by one).


There are "Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson" DVD's for sale (have see them advertised as a part of their own infomercial), and I think there's some Dick Cavett show episodes on DVD, too. Years ago there were individual episodes of "Late Night With David Letterman" released on VHS video, but I think there was only a handful that came out that way. But, yes, it would be great if more of these classic shows were available. There's a few Jimmy Kimmel episodes I wouldn't mind seeing again.


There are a ton of Johnny Carson dvds out there, and I recall there being a Leno dvd on Amazon somewhere but there wasn't an official release date or anything - last time I checked it wasn't even there anymore.


I would so want to buy them! At one point in my life, I recorded the the show (mainly his monologue and certain segments) religiously. In fact, I rewatch them from time to time (right now even) lol.

But considering how many shows there are, all those dvd/blurays would cost so so much.
