Does anyone have copies of this show?
I just wanted to ask if anyone has any tapes of this show. I used to have a collection of one of the Fox network episodes and episodes of when the show was on Sci-Fi, but they were taped over by my cousin a while ago. The first person I went to was at a fansite. This guy had like alot of episodes, so I asked him if I may have some copies of the show, but it has been months now, and I just gave up asking for copies from him. The next person with copies was eyesofnight, but no response from him yet. Please, if anyone here has copies of the episodes, please post here. I would like to make an arrangement for you to send me copies. I really need those tapes(I need alot of episodes, too). Also, let me know how much you want for the episodes. I will then PM you telling you where to send the Sightings tapes. Thank you very much!