MovieChat Forums > Sightings (1992) Discussion > Still interested in obtaining episodes o...

Still interested in obtaining episodes of Sightings

I am still interested in obtaining episodes of Sightings, I bought the 15 DVD Set (which contained over 60 episodes), of Sightings, from iOffer, but am still interested in obtaining more episodes, would be very grateful to anyone, who could help.

The Why Files (which was shown on Sky), is another series, which I am interested in obtaining episodes of.


which ones do you need?


I am interested in obtaining any episodes of Sightings, it was never stated, which episodes were on the 15 DVD Set, which I bought from iOffer, and it would take me a long time, to check the discs.


yeah i found the same thing for sale on ioffer, but they don't list the episodes on there. Just didn't want to give you doubles.


I will check the Sightings, discs, which I have got, and see what subjects the episodes cover, and with the help of the episode guide, on wikipedia, I should be able to work out, what episodes I have got.


I have checked all my Sightings discs, and have been able to work out, what episodes of Sightings, I have got, thanks to the episode guide for Sightings, on wikipedia -

The episodes of Sightings, which I have got, listed below.

The UFO Report (October 18th 1991)

Ghosts (February 28th 1992)

Season 1 - episodes 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13

Season 2 - episodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,18,19,21 (might be episode 22 - UFO Cover-Up, Missing Link, Wisconsin UFOs).

Season 3 - episodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25

Season 4 - episodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7


Wow, that's a lot of episodes. I know I have all of season 3 and 4, plus parts of 1 and 2. When I get home from work I'll make up a list and post it to you.


i have season 1 episodes 5-13. Season 2 episodes 1-17, season 3 all 26 episodes, season 4 all 24 episodes. nothing for season 5. The ufo and ghost ones i have as well.


I am interested in obtaining the following from you.

Season 2 - episodes 12,13,14,15,17

Season 3 - episodes 18,26

Season 4 - episodes 8 - 24

Do you trade, I have got a trade list.


i usually just upload them to youtube for people to download. If that doesn't work I can send them in the mail as well.


I can download Videos, from YouTube, let me know when you upload the episodes (which I haven't got) to YouTube.


i started uploading them


Thank you for uploading the episodes, I will download them soon, I can't download Videos, from YouTube, at the moment, because of a problem with my computer, a problem which will hopefully be fixed on Wednesday.

Recently, someone, has been uploading (to YouTube), more clips from The Why Files.


all episodes should be uploaded now


I have now downloaded all the episodes (you uploaded to YouTube) of Sightings, and will finish burning them all on to discs, soon.

Thank you for uploading the episodes, to YouTube.


I had to take them down. I got a copyright claim on one of them. Who knew the makers still cared?


A shame, I downloaded all the episodes of Sightings, you uploaded to YouTube, and have now burnt most of them, on to discs.


i just realized while uploading I don't actually have season 2 episode 14. all the rest seem to be here though


Hi eyezofnight,
Would it be possible for me to get these episodes from you some way? I grew up watching this show and would love to rewatch, but can't seem to find anything. Cheers!
