Absolute 90s

Up until a few weeks ago, I never even heard of the show Renegade. Here, they are currently airing re-runs late at night.

I love to watch this show for its kind of trashy charm. It yells NINETIES at your face with every scene, every sentence, every minute. Although I have never seen the show before, this is exactly the stuff my generation grew up with. You just have to love the stereotypes. The strong, righteous guy with his motorcycle fighting against evil, of course with long hair (major beauty ideal at the time it seems), then his manager and sidekick, whose EVERY SINGLE WORD is a cooler-than-thou catchphrase, of course all the ladies with the weird 90s hairdos... it just goes on and on.

And of course, there's the storyline. The theme has been made popular by shows like The A-Team, Knight Rider, and MacGyver. Good characters for whom its a personal calling to go after the bad guys, after they have become "outcasts" in one way or another. Renegade has even put that element into its show title, and I have to say that I miss plots like these in todays TV world.

It is great fun for anyone who was watching a lot of TV in the 80s or 90s, especially if they were kids. I already ordered my first-season boxset.

Anyone agree or disagree? :)




trashy charm ??? you are trashy
