MovieChat Forums > Martin (1992) Discussion > Another stupid minstrel clown show

Another stupid minstrel clown show

Martin and Family Matters are pure examples of how 1990s black sitcoms, set black people in television back 50 years.


is it the steve urkel character in general doing that to family matters, because i don't think the show started off that way and think reginald vel johnson nor the actress who played the mother/wife harriett, never planned it to turn out like that.


It was originally called mr windslow goes about town. It was focused on his cop career about town




It’s true




How, by showing black people as non-criminals who live in clean houses and have jobs? Yeah, that's some racist shit.


Why make the main character a silly, comical and stereotypical nerd? Too bad he never got the privilege is getting featured in the Big Bang Theory. Folks knew how stupid and unrealistic Urkel was. That character was nothing more than a mere caricature.


Family Matters really wasn’t a black sitcom. The families race rarely ever have played a role. But even if you want to call it one, it was positive portrayal. Strong family values, Hard working parents that were good role models, kids that usually made good moral decisions. This set black people back? Wtf are you talking about?

Urkel while ridiculous is not a black stereotype, and he was talented. He saved and Carried that show as an 11 year old kid.


Let's see:

Urkel - a silly, goofy, nerdy black kid that no one really likes.

Martin - a loud, obnoxious hoodlum who disrespects everyone (including his woman and his friends) him....yet, still likeable (due to the show's integrity).

Equates to a couple of clowns.....a couple of losers, in a non-progressive way.


Nerdy black kid isn’t a traditional stereotype. Urkel himself is the most popular example. He’s written as annoying because it’s more funny to see everyone react to him. But he is very likable to the Audience.

Martin is not a hoodlum, he is a successful radio DJ. What is wrong with you? Martin as a character was based on Martin Lawerence and his comedy. If you find him annoying fine, but a show created by, and written by blacks, starring an all black cast, meant for a black audience hardly qualifies as a minstrel clown show.


Both sitcoms have black characters acting casually stupid, without rhyme or reason. They both should have been animated series, instead of live action sitcoms.

Steve Urkel, could still be smart and very intelligent but instead he has to look like a stereotypical nerd, with the highwater pants, wired glasses and snorting laugh. The show makes him a clown. Yeah, and you wonder why The Big Bang Theory lack black characters to begin with.

Martin, always stands by his pride.....NO MATTER WHAT.....until reality kicks him in the ass.....and he still ends up acting like an asshole by the end of a screwball episode. And then you have ridiculous named characters like Dr. Skyhook played by guest star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and/or other predictably silly character arc based on figures synonymous with pop AA culture. Too bad, Martin Lawrence couldn't afford to get MJ or Prince on the show dressed in their popular gear - so that Martin could make asses out of them with his raunchy humor.

Both sitcoms stink.

They both distance themselves from classier black sitcoms, such as:
- Fresh Prince of Bel Air
- The Cosby Show
- A Different World
- The Jeffersons
- Good Times
- 227
- Amen
- Roc



Let me guess, I guess you are one of those Trump-loving homo/xenophobic racists that feel that AA should be kept in their place. You probably feel that black folks don't deserve the Oscars, nor should have the privilege to go to school/college with whites, nor live in the same neighborhoods as whites. Everything should remain the same as it was in the 1960s and before, mandated by antique Jim Crow laws.

You can have a black sitcom, but it does not have to be 'ghetto' or cartoonish in order to be considered funny.

But in order to please and entertain racist folks like you, a black sitcom needs to be predictably stupid (and potentially black-destructive). Sorry, dude, times are changing and you will have to get used to it.....and if you do not like it, then no one is stopping you from leaving America. Change, diversity and progress (for the better) is here to stay.
