Paula's last episode

I read that Garofalo made her own mind up to leave the show and while it was written into the storyline similar to Jeremy Piven it seemed definitely settled that she was staying at the end of her final episode given the dialogue and that she was at work the next morning. I guess its a petty thing to stay hung up about but I'm just wondering if there was actually word out there that maybe she was planning to quit, decided she'd stay, then decided she'd leave again after that episode was already completed, or anything of the sort. Also was surprised to not see her in that final episode.



That answers the question how?


I've never seen anything mentioned about it, she always praises the show, and it wasn't mentioned in her interview for the DVD. Just guessing, but she was in a lot of movies in the late 90's, maybe she thought she could work appearing on the show around her films, but reconsidered after the episode was filmed.

It seemed settled between her and Artie, but Larry clearly wasn't happy when Artie told him, because he had already confessed his feelings to her because he thought she was leaving. I guess we're just left to assume Larry didn't want to work around her now that she knows he has a crush on her, and she was let go.


Yeah, she was replaced by Mary Lou and was never heard from again. It was really quite perplexing.


I'm also surprised she wasn't there for the Series Finale, especially considering Piven showed up.


Wait a minute... who am I here?




This thread deals with the question is some ways.

No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
