i just heard about this show and the premise sounds interesting. i've seen a couple of 30-second clips on youtube and i really would like to watch the first couple episodes to see if i actually do like it
I took a look over at Hulu and Crackle but no luck. I think both used to have episodes online - I'm guessing they were pulled because of the upcoming DVD release.
I'd suggest Netflix. They definitely carry both the 'Season 1' release and the 'Not Just the Best of the Larry Sanders Show' set.
Gents! Be gentle... I liked the pledgedrive show in Seinfeld, and in Tremé it was a re-ccuring reason for DJ David to protest against (and then get fired). This has nothing to do with Larry Sanders and the topic of the OP. But I want to find out if it is out on DVD (mock me but I'm old skool I want my stuff on tangeble discs funk the internet) but it's complicated (I want it ALL and on Region 2).
This reply is over 3 years old but if you are a paid subscriber of Amazon's "Prime Instant Video", all 6 seasons of The Larry Sanders Show, is one of the titles that is included in the Prime Instant Video membership. (in other word's, it is free.)Amazon's Prime Instant Video is an instant streaming service, very similar to Net Flix's service. The difference is Netflix gives their subscribers the option to pay monthly for the streaming service, and with Amazon's Prime Instant Video, subscribers for their service, annually, which works out to be cheaper than the monthly subscription fee, for Netflix. (Amazon's streaming video subscription is $79.00 a year/Netflix's streaming video subscription is $7.99 a month or $95.88 a year)
Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!
Good details and thanks for those details Catdubh. I'm in Europe though (Holland) and was hooked on the show (it aired through CNBC I think, continental NBC) but now I want the whole show on DVD Region 2, it's hard to find out if that's possible. The OP wanted to know if this was online/yes so I'm off-topic I guess.
(button Amazon. showed full show is released on DVD Region 2 for 50UKP I notcied.)