MovieChat Forums > The Larry Sanders Show (1992) Discussion > One of the few shows that never jumped t...

One of the few shows that never jumped the shark.

I've been watching the final season of the show the past couple weeks, and I honestly think it's probably my favorite season yet, which is really rare. It's pretty much the opposite case with another last season that was going on the same year (97-98 season), Seinfeld. It seems like this is one of the rare shows that actually stayed quality throughout. I think part of that is luck and talent, but also because they always stayed true to the format. The first season pretty much has the same humor, atmosphere and format as the last. It never tried to be over-the-top or add new gimmicks (there were new story arcs such as Jon stewart replacing larry in the later epsodes but those worked well). There were no huge changes in characters except a couple of minor characters (Hank's different secretaries, Paula leaving and Mary replacing) and the replacements seemed just as fine. The show had it's natural progression, but ultimately it stayed true to its original format until the last episode, as well as very quality. I don't think I've seen a truly bad episode of LS, even if I prefer some over others. Always really funny and fresh.

Does anyone feel similar? And what other shows never jumped in your opinion?


I agree.

While I think the final season of Larry is definitely 'darker' than the previous ones, I don't think the quality dropped off... at all.

Other shows that never jumped? Just off the top of my head would be Barney Miller and The Shield.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


True. This show never overstayed its welcome either!!! :)


I think one of the subtle changes I've kind of noticed is that Hank and Phil seem a lot more condescending and arrogant in the later episodes. While they had their moments of arrogance earlier in the series, I think it is more exaggerated in the last couple of seasons. Phil actually seemed like a more passive character when Jerry was on the writing staff.

But I don't think the changes in these characters were particularly that huge or unrealistic at all, just subtle. Perhaps one could look at it like a natural progression, Hank and Phil getting more bitter as they realize the show is coming to an end and they will be jobless.


Six was darker, for sure, but that made it even better.

Six short seasons with a total of 89 episodes helped.

The guest stars got better, too.


Agree. Garry Shandling, Jeffrey Tambor (hawking the garden weasel tool), the tarantula episode "I carry the antivenum serum with me at all times. I just don't have it today." Rip Torn (need I say more)

Moonlighter Curfew


I'm watching the show for the first time in my life and it feels like every season is better than the last. At the end of each season, I think there's no way they can top the last season, but they always do!

I'm halfway through season 4, but I wanna take it slow and savor every moment I watch. It's so great.

I just wish they would hurry up and get it on HBOGO.


i do agree that the show never jumped the shark, but i must say the show always felt somewhat "dark" and raw to me (probably the first HBO show i was exposed to) and i never thought season 6 was more so than the previous.
