MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1992) Discussion > Who is your favorite evil immortal and g...

Who is your favorite evil immortal and give them their own "light" quickening spinoff show!

Antonius Kalas: It wasn't like he gassed his enemy or found them unarmed he just fought them when they were leaving the monastery. I would have liked to have seen him following a "light" quickening on his own in the real world. Not too much changed and still confronting "good" immortals from time to time because he's not that changed! And hey "There can be only one!"




The viking warrior that Duncan fought during his trip back to Scotland.


Kanwulf! He was intimidating and skilled! It would be interesting to see what direction they would take his character following a light quickening. Being a follower of Norse mythology (Odin and Thor) they could have him follow more after Loki, not evil but causing mischief!


Kanwulf got beaten by Duncan before he even knew he was immortal. K-wulf was a wimp.


Well my favorite villain was Kronos or Caspian, but giving them a light quickening would make it too much like the Methos angle, and that has been done. Maybe that "vampire" immortal then. He would be pretty funny at least.


There should have been a Methos Chronicles with a heavy focus on the Four Horsemen. There was nothing like Methos, Kronos, Silas, and Caspian.
