MovieChat Forums > Forever Knight (1992) Discussion > Forever Knight Season 3 'Last Knight' SP...

Forever Knight Season 3 'Last Knight' SPOILERS Discussion

Just finished watching season 3, what a depressive ending. LaCroix kills Nick Knight and Knight killed Natalie. I think the writers knew the show was ending but did it really have to end like this. But it does make sense since Nick Knight wanting to be killed after what he did. It also makes sense why some people didn't like season 3, Schanke got killed off. One of the better things about this season was Lacroix and his plot with Divia, you can really believe Locroix has lived long enough to become the way his become by modern day toronto, bitterness towards life and the final episode, showing that he cherishes the gift of life, whereas Nick Knight has faith he can be with Natalie in the next life... atleast i think thats why Nick Knight wanted Lacroix to kill him. What a bitter and sad end to an enjoyable series. Does anybody else agree? or disagree?


It was a sad end, but we never got to see Lacroix kill Nick, so in my head canon Nick turned Jeanette back into a vampire earlier in the episode, Lacroix refuses to kill Nick and Nick gives up his quest to become human again and the three of them go back to bein a vampire 'family' like they were for centuries beforehand, only now (at Nick's insistence) they only hunt or kill evildoers.


Geraint Wyn Davies stated in an interview that Lacroix did kill Nick.


It is the only way the series could have ended with the way Nick was not trying his best to follow Natalie's instructions on how he could be cured and with Natalie starting to admire some of Nick's vampiric powers and her starting to think life with Nick as a vampire would be a good thing, which Nick always told her it would not be good. Had the series gotten a fourth season, I seriously don't think the writers would have continued to have Nick or Natalie keep the attitudes they had with the premise of the series being Nick wanting a cure for himself and Natalie wanting a cure for both of them.
Season four would have had to either show that there likely was a definite cure or cures possible with Nick trying harder to obtain one and have Natalie deciding that a physical relationship was not possible and settling for a romantic relationship similar to what exists between married couples where one mate, for medical reasons can not have sex or her deciding that a friendship is all that is possible with Nick. Or have Nick be cured and they either stay friends or marry. Then a new character could be introduced who also wants a cure and his or her life is told as Nick's had been. The show would have kept going if this new character would be as interesting as Nick was.
