Sanardon's look???

I adore both Spader and Sarandon (which is why I got the dvd). IMO they are equally exceptional actors. But what gives with the hairy armpits on Sarandon? I realize the role she played was that of a somewhat troubled blue coller waitress from the other side of the tracks. But lets be real...even poor white trash shave there armpits. I mean its not like they were in Europe (where that is perfectly acceptable)!! BTW, I wonder what Tim Robbins thought of her performance??!!



I also noticed that Sarandon had hairy armpits. Perhaps she didn't really care about shaving her armpits all the way because she thought it was sexier that way. Plus, hairy armpits give the feeling that she was older than Spader

"I'm a black grenade that'll blow up in your face!" - Swifty (D12)


Realistic or not (for her character), they are a sexy sight!

I agree, Shady, the hairy pits do visually mature her and separate her from the wife's younger, "purer" image.



Yes, the term "Europe" is too broad. In the UK, people are liable to be bitchy about hairy armpits. Not sure why.


RR, you seem knowledgeable about unshaved pits. Serious question: Where in Europe is it still common for women not to shave there? Thanks.

Mr. Preoccupied With Body Hair



RE where in Europe hairy armpits are socially acceptable.

France, maybe, but I haven't been there since 1986 and I wasn't really thinking much about the topic at the time.

I haven't travelled much.


It's actually become more socially acceptable in the US as well, although not among all women.


Are you from Europe pandabear? cleary not, so stfu and don't talk about the *beep* u clearly dont know. unshaved armpits, yea, that's so "european". *beep* gimme a break, and go eat one of your mc nuggets.


I spent some time in Paris and Corsica this past spring, and there was not a hairy pit to be seen (on women, that is).


pyramids -
I was in Paris and Corsica [LA CORSE!] this spring too! I had the same observation... nothing new to add there... but just wanted to say hi.


I can see why they call you 'm0uth'. Maybe I generalized a bit. But you don't have to bite my head off...geez!!!



"and go eat one of your mc nuggets".....ah, I don't eat junk food. bty whats the corrolation between Mc nuggets and pandabears???



I lived in Germany for 5 years and many of my friends ( female ) did not shave their underarms during the winter, but in the summer they did.


I just watched my tape last night after not seeing it in so long and it's still such a great movie!

I, too noticed the unshaved underarm, BUT my take on it was that she was a little bit lazy and not so regimented about anything. They made such a point of showing how she didn't like to clean her place. I didn't take it to mean ALL poor, working class women didn't shave. That's silly.

Plus how would that make her appear older by doing that? That didn't make sense to me either. I'm only one year younger than the character in the movie.


osp-1.......Where the *beep* do you get that from?? In France as well as other parts of Europe hairy armpits are perfectly acceptable, as are hairy legs.





Let's talk about Nora only. In my opinion, she didn't shave her armpits because she was not a high maintenance woman. As simple as that. Seeing her standard of living, we can safely say that, she did not seem to have a habit of grooming. She did not really need to groom because she was not really the type and age who gets laid a lot or dresses up for dating. If a woman does not get laid frequently, that explains why she would ignore grooming.


The country where women don't shave their pits is Russia, which is technically in Asia.


"White Palace" is one of my favorite movies, and I am amazed at the negative comments about Susan Sarandon's armpits. Sarandon should be complimented for her effort to achieve authenticity in the part.

Gillette created the woman-shaving fad in the 1930's in an effort to increase their razor sales (which doubled). Then in the late 60's, the influence of the hippie sub-culture and the style changes it brought caused young women to stop wearing makeup and to stop shaving. A few years later, the cosmetic companies unleashed a media blitz to get people away from this "natural look." They were successful and big shoulder pads, heavy makeup (even cartoonish), and shaving became fads again.

Now women have completely bought into it. American advertising is designed to make women feel insecure and unattractive, and then tells them they can only be beautiful if they wear the latest (and most expensive) gunk, and each day scrap off every hair below their eyebrows.

There are millions of American women who don't shave. For an instance: go to any Gay Rights parade, and you will see most (if not all) of the women are unshaven. Unless lesbian women are working as sex workers or in the fashion industry, they mostly don't shave. And that's at least 10 million American women right there.

As far as the rest of the world, women shaving is definitely an American phenomenon. England, Canada, and the big city women in France are flooded with American-style advertising, and they mostly shave, as do many of the Scandinavians. Half or more of the women in Germany, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, etc., don't shave. Eastern Europe, Russia, and especially all the Moslem countries are unshaven, as are most of the women in India and Pakistan. 500 million women in China are unshaven, and so are most women of South and Central America. I don't know about Africa, but since many Africans are struggling to stay alive, they probably don't worry too much about American-style fashion fads.

You should get off your sofa and look somewhere other than at your TV, if you want to talk about "the whole world."


"Now women have completely bought into it. American advertising is designed to make women feel insecure and unattractive, and then tells them they can only be beautiful if they wear the latest (and most expensive) gunk, and each day scrap off every hair below their eyebrows."

Tommykins, I like the cut of your jib! I don't know where you get your stats, and I'm not sure about all of them, but they ring true. Thanks much for the lesson in fem body hair.

Your assessment of American beauty advertising directed at women is right on the ill-gotten money. I'm not opposed to some makeup (most women and older girls can enhance their looks and appear more youthful with it) and good hygiene, but the shaving of pits and pubes is RIDICULOUS! You want to know how ridiculous? My 12-year-old daughter has started shaving her nether region (something I learned from my wife, btw; she certainly doesn't have my endorsement) -- and her friends supposedly are doing it as well.

I can't wait for this ugly trend to reverse itself. I may move to Latvia.



NUTS! Hairy armpits are gross- Susan did a great job, but needed a shave.(tumbleweeds are not sexy) He must have really loved her.


All I got to say is WHO CARES? Susan Sarandon was hot in that movie!

Foreman's not as easy as Cameron. But, of course, who is? -- Dr. House


This thread is hilarious!

I didn't even notice the hairy pits, but I say that if guys are allowed to have them, then so should the gals!

I totally agree with KPrasad--Why would that make a woman less attractive?

And it does go well with the character. She can't even throw away her half-eaten sandwiches or cigarette butts for cryin' out loud!

I think that she should focus first on disposing of all of the rotting food lying around the house before being concerned about a little hair sprouting underneath the arms.

One bite of that nasty sandwich would've totally killed the mood!!!


great post tommy! make up and shaving is for suckers.
peer pressure and propaganda is alive and well and the cause of many miseries.
I myself never buy anything that has been advertised. no name always


great post tommy! make up and shaving is for suckers.

My wife and I have been after our (now 22-yo) daughter for years to minimize her make-up. She has of course ignored us on this. So, recently, I asked her what would happen if she wore less make-up. Her answer:

"I'd have uglier boyfriends." Makes ya think.

Martha Washington was a hip, hip, hip lady, man.


