The most EPIC sfx ever!

T2 was truly epic when it came out, it still is an awesome movie but it's difficult to understand how incredible were its sfx and their implementation in the film back then.

I can only say that everything seemed and felt real, even though it was mindblowing, never before seen stuff on the screen. Till then you could always see how the fx were made or figure out what was being done to achieve that visual. This was on another level.

Jurassic Park (two full years later) was amateurish compared to this: you could tell that there were no dinosaurs there and that Sam Neil was looking at the sky, and you could totally tell when they used animatronics instead of cgi.
T2 is a milestone, never before been anything like it and probably never will be another one.


I think the effects are pretty much perfect! Like, fluid metal making shapes or going though things would look like CGI if we saw it in real life. Nothing in the film looks fake.
