What happened next?

the movie made it out to ne some happy ending as far as i know her real parents got custody but she later divorced them as they saw her to be like the other dead girl, but by that time the father who raised her had remarried and she hated her stepmother...that's all i know so what happened then!

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Kimberly Mays sued to be "divorced" from her bio parents, the Twiggs so that she could continue living with Mays, the man who raised her. Later she ran away from the Mays home and was living with the Twiggs. Later still she ran from that home and bounced back and forth between homes afterwards.

There was alleged abuse in the Mays home even before info about a switch surfaced.

I personally never understood how the Twiggs could be selfish enough to put their feelings - however strong - ahead of the feelings of the child. Unless they had some indication there was abuse and stepped in only at that point. But I doubt it.

All parties concerned seemed whacked and I lost interest in following the story. It's like a lot of tv movies. The stories are told so sensitively, the parties involved portrayed as being so responsible and the truth lies somewhere else, somewhere far far away.

What say there, Fuzzy Britches? Feel like talking?



This story is of particular interest to me, because I am from Wauchula (where the swap took place). I feel really bad for her, I can't imagine being a small child and being told that my father isn't really my father. I can understand why her view of family is completely distorted, and why she never had a real chance to be a normal human being. It is truly a sad situation.


The movie really sugarcoated the whole thing..I remember when all this happened and basically Kimberly Mays became a TRAIN WRECK!!! The Twiggs should have just left her alone..instead they pushed and pushed and she did end up with them and got in trouble, drugs , bad crowd and ended up getting pregnant at 16 or something, married briefly and lost custody of her own kid if I remember for being unfit...As I watched this movie I just felt so bad for Robert Mays...basically his child was stolen twice, first in the switch and secondly by the Twiggs....I felt they ( the Twiggs ) were very disrespectful of Robert Mays and did not even consider his feelings or rights.



What bothered me in the movie was Mama Twigg was upset that see had been adopted, and hated her mom for abdandoning her, and didn't want her duaghter to feel unwanted. So she pursued her bio daughter strictly to avoid imagianry ahte, and justifictaion towards her mom. Never once bothering to ask Kimberly how she truly felt.



I think the saddest part of this whole thing is if Arlena hadn't died, the Twiggs probably would not have been so persistant.

Erik Destler: Only Love and Music are Forever




But see that is the thing and Regina even said that she wanted the girls to be raised as sisters and that shows that they wanted both of them. But Kimberly even said that she did not know why Regina Twigg broke into her life. That it was Regina who was the problem in her life.
