I watched this movie for the first time when i was about 11 years old (1991) which was when the film first came out. As i was at such a young age although i understood the plot of the movie i didn't understand fully what really happened and never really thought it was based on actual events until i watched it again 3 years later. Recently it has been shown on tv again and i had to watch this film and oh my god did it pull some heart strings. I totally felt for both families and totally felt for poor kimberly.
After watching this movie again after so long it made me wonder what happened next, because the end of the movie looked like it ended happily. i felt i had to google stuff about the case online and only came up with a few articles on the NY times and CNN.com. Wish i could find more stories as this case got me really interested. I really wish i could read the book about the story too, sadly can't find it anywhere.
My opinion on the whole thing - Neither parents were at fault, i felt sorry for both the Twiggs and Bob and Kim Mays. But having said that, the twiggs shouldn't have pushed everything so much. From what i read the twiggs tried for custody of Kimberly when she was what, 15? I don't think that should've happened. From what i read on the internet and from watching the movie, its like this poor girl was pulled from pillar to post. I'm not surprised she grew up the way she did - it hasn't got a thing to do with her being a spoilt brat or anything. its to do with what happened to her. Psychologically. The Twiggs and the Mays should have asked Kimberley what SHE wanted and left it at that. After all the most important thing then should have been the child, not what the parents wanted.
That's my opinion and how i feel about it. I don't know the Twiggs, i don't know the mays i can't really judge them. But Kimberly's feelings should've been put first, not their own. I mean sure, the twiggs had every right to know Kimberly. But to force visitation, and then a few years after sue for custody?
I think that both the Twiggs and Bob Mays would have had a much better relationship with Kimberley if they actually sat down in a room with her and asked her what she wanted.