Does anyone know how the quality of the transfers in the box set compares to the Subspecies Spanish DVDs that Fullmoondirect has had on their site for a while. I am contemplating which to get. I already have Vampire Journals, and I figure to buy Subspecies IV separately anyway since it has extras.
I just watched tyhe first SUBPECIES movie from the boxed set, and can tell you it looks like it was taken straight from the videocassette -- the title and credits look "soft," and there's some minor dirt in places. Also, the picture artifacts or pixels badly in one scene (doctor's exam of victim). The latter may just be my disc, I'm not sure. Despite the flaws, I'm happy I invested in the set, as I enjoyed the series years ago and look forward to revisiting it in the days ahead.
I just picked up my box set at the Full Moon RoadShow here in San Diego this past Friday at the Brew House in La Jolla, and it looks great. Looked like the original negative was scanned in the DVD production. Charles Band was great and so was the rest of his crew. They had an auction at the end and I made my bid for the Radu limited edition doll. It was sold to me for a nice sum, but worth it.