Impossible to make a good movie about Custer
Simply put, it is impossible to find an "objective" point of view from which to start. There is also not enough extant text from primary sources to get at even the words, sentences, or thoughts, so modern writers will have to suplement that, they will add. And when they do, history stops and philosophy begins....all of course draped in the liberal fashion of political correctness. This movie, for example, is a joke. The Natives' voice is ALL good, all peaches and cream, all basking in the son of the eternal Garden of Eden. Custer is portrayed simplistically. This is the usual crap. Someone below posted that Oliver Stone was planning to remake this....really?? Why should he? This is already a leftist piece of drivel, would he add horns to Custer?? Stone is a brilliant filmmaker who knows nothing about history.
SMS is a silly film that imposes the leftist vision of the old "white man is evil" thesis. Nothing new to see here, folks....
If someone COULD actually make an objective film about Custer, he would have to wade through thousands of books, journal articles, and mss....and then what?? Whose words are right?? Sorry. All this movie illustrate is that nothing has changed....