A near masterpiece !
I've never seen a better movie on the Indian Wars. The movie gets a lot of the small details right particularly the uniforms and firearms. The depiction of the soldiers committing suicide to avoid being tortured and killed by the Indians is just one of the then controversial points being made. The last stand on Custer Hill is one of the best battle scenes I have ever seen in hundreds of war movie. It shows how quicky command and control disintegrated and chaos ensued.
The conflict between the Custer camp and Benteen-Reno was well known and documented, particularly by Libby Custer. The acting by Gary Cole and David Straithern was first rate, as well as the depiction of the Indian policy being made by Sherman,Grant and Sheriden. The photography was stunning and the soundtrack stirring. Its important to remember that the movie is based ona book, not excact history. And yes, I agree that there is some political correctness on behalf of Mr. Lo, but it didn;t detract much from the movie.
They don't make movies/mini-series like this anymore....and its a darn shame.