What was Martin thinking?

Why do men think they can keep doing the same messed up stuff and the woman will never get tired of it? She was a really sweet woman and didn't give him any trouble and he made up excuses to fight with her. What did he want from her? And did he really think she wasn't gonna leave?

And one more thing. If by some miracle Martin had suddenly stopped and changed his behavior, do you think Laura would have decided to stay with him and give it another chance?


Men like that are on a power trip. They believe as long as they have total control, the woman will not leave. Add to that the fear that he would find her and harm her more (as was spoken about in the movie when they talked about her taking off) and they pretty much have their way.

I always thought that the way she looked at him when he said "I have time to change" was her really wishing that he would change. Even though we know he was referring to the suit.


I think you are right about the double meaning. As the movie started she looked happy and hopeful. She probably didn't think he would do that on their vacation but then he went and did it again.

On the other hand she had already moved her mother to another town so it would have been difficult to change her mind in regards to that.


I agree with what everyone says here. I know this is a film, but there are plenty of cases similar to this in real life, and I am ALWAYS aghast at them.

Why do husbands, or wives, so determined to destroy their relationships??
Someone like Martin has everything, he even has a rare thing: A woman who truly loves him.
Yet, he ruins it for what....control?! Complete control over another person is always an illusion, so the only fools are the ones who try to have it!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
