MovieChat Forums > Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) Discussion > Significance of the Final Scene *spoiler...

Significance of the Final Scene *spoiler*


The camera pans to Laura's wedding ring, lying near Martin's dead body.
Is this shot meant to signify something, other than just that Laura is 'finally free'?

Just curious, because I wondered if it was meant to show that the cops might find it & arrest Laura?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Why would the police arrest her? She acted in self-defence. He was stalking her with the intention to murder her.


Because for one she faked her death, which is a crime (surprisingly)....and did this to escape the husband that is now dead at her feet.

She has no proof he was abusive. Granted he did break in, but it still would have a LOT of questions by police there.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Psycho hubby was found with the gun in his hand. Plus, Ben (and his injuries) would corroborate Laura's story that he attacked/threatened them.


The gun used to kill him ending up in his hand wouldn't make for a good self defense case. She's going to have to take the gun back. Yes, she can admit that she disarmed him and shot him but that may be just cause to try her for manslaughter. She'd have some kind of legal battle on her hands but she'd likely get off easy given the fact that he broke in and assaulted them.


Her testimony in court that he abused her is good enough. The court system believes all women


There is no proof he broke in. When she first got home, she just walked around like nothing was up. He somehow got in without breaking a door or window.


Why would the police arrest her? She acted in self-defence. He was stalking her with the intention to murder her.

Yeah. Good luck proving that.
"No, really officer. He was stalking me!"
"Yeah. And did he threaten to kill you in any way?"
"Um... Gee... I don't know."
"Lady, you obviously killed an unarmed man. You were not acting in self-defense. Put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent.." etc. etc.

Damn, I'm good.


He did threaten to kill her.

He clearly told her that if she refused to return with him, he would kill her.

And Ben is also a witness to what happened; Martin viciously assaulted him as well.

He's going to help Laura of course.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


OK, but to go back to my original question: If the police find the wedding ring that is right next to Martin's own ring...and dead body...would it make them more suspicious?
It seemed odd how the film made sure we saw the ring in the final shot, it even *glints* complete with sound effects!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I don't think they would arrest her since he pulled the trigger last. His finger was still in the trigger so a good investigator would know whether she placed the gun in post-mortem or he had it last. Plus, she called the police to report an intruder. There would be character witnesses to her defense back from her original home.


I think you may be reading too far into it i don't think they took the cops into consideration or wanted the audience to regarding the ring as i think the aim was a happy ending for Laura. It was just a little way to finish the film and like you said signify that she is finally free from this monster.


Maybe it was to send the message that marriage can be hell.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)
