Things We Learned from 'SWTE'

1. Its possible to keep a bar of soap looking perfect next to a sink.
2. When your husband knocks you to the floor and kicks you in your crotch, its only a *quarrel".
3. If you have sex before the afternoon, its considered "a little too early for this."
4. When you're in a new town with no job and limited funds, you should always buy name-brand food and African violets.
5. When confronted by a weirdo neighbor for stealing HIS apples, be sure to be belligerent with him.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


6. After spending an hour digging up clams and then learning you have to do a stupid party tonight, you can just dig fresh ones tomorrow.
7. The black, actually - always looks better even though it's backless and it could be chilly tonight.
8. The night you learned to dance was among of the happiest days of your life.
9. Everyone keeps a light on in their under-the-sink cupboard (watch this closely next time - it'll bug you too!)
10. Getting yellow paint on your face is mandatory when repainting the kitchen.
11. When your new boyfriend kisses you and moves you to the stairs, pretend it doesn't hurt your back when he leans you back and climbs on top of you.
12. ...


12. Why take the time to remove batteries from a smoke alarm, when you can break it instead?
13. Make sure to rake up about a thousand clams for dinner, even when its just the two of you.
14. When you own a multimillion dollar house and are a control-freak to boot, be sure to never lock up your house when you are not home.
15. You can magically go from straight, wet, average-amount of hair, in JUST a few minutes, to a huge poof of hair when your neighbor plans a picnic.
16. When you suspect your neighbor friend's nutcase husband is just inside, be sure to bust in and not try to catch him off guard.
17. Saying "F-you" to this same nutcase husband is a respectable substitution for manly fighting.
18. When you have everything a man could want, be sure to be a complete nutcase asswipe and ruin it by abusing your wife.
19. When your wife has faked her death, fled the state, flushed her wedding ring down, hidden her mother, and is happy... of course she has been thinking of 'the last time she touched her husband'.
20. If the towels are not perfectly even, 'everything is not as it should be'.

Great ones BTW, karen526 especially No's 10 and 11. I think No 11 every time I watch that scene. I haven't noticed the light in the cupboard, I just remember seeing a reflection of the streetlight outside. I'll watch it again.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Boy, you say "be sure" a lot!


Husbands threatening to kill wives who leave them is extremely rare; therefore, it is not necessary or even acceptable to pursue protective orders or divorces before just killing the husband with the gun he is conveniently carrying.

Go ahead and stop running after hysterically fleeing hard evidence that your homicidal husband has found you and is in the house; it will all work itself out.

It is always safe to swim in the ocean from a mile out during a sudden rain storm/squall. If you break your dock lights first and then head for the buoy as soon as you hit the water, you'll be fine.

Swimming in the Atlantic off the coast of Cape Cod in your underwear while it's raining will not cause hypothermia.


Great ones! Don't forget to number them though, makes it easier for everyone to *keep track*.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


That’s the point though, she had no choice other than to kill him. He made it clear that he was psychotic and violent, she knew deep down that no amount of legal protection would ever give her true peace of mind.


24. A wig and a fake mustache will always be enough to disguise yourself so much that even your own husband won't notice you.

25. Nursing home staff don't know a thing about confidentiality. They can be counted on to tell a complete stranger when a resident has a visitor.

26. A wedding ring flushed down a toilet will eventually find it's way back up the plumbing so that it can easily be found.

27. Psychotic husbands will be able to figure out the vehicle and how to get in to it so that they can sit in the back of the wrong person's car to surprise him with an attack but he will forget about doing anything to the correct guy and just move on to the wife.


28. Martin likes Laura's herb bread so much.

29.Its normal to demand what is for supper when breakfast is barely over.

30. Martin apparently likes square things in his bathroom.

31. He also likes crooked backed-style couches.

32. You must dress up for dinner, even when its only the two of you.

33. If you want to work full time, you don't 'love your house as much'.

34. One party attendance is enough for the whole season.

35. When returning from a party and hunger sets in, always eat strawberries.

36. You can knead bread and keep a neat-freak's house spotless and still have perfect ultra-long nails.

37. When visiting your mother while disguised as a man, be sure not to CUT these nails or try to hide them at all.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


38. When repainting the kitchen cupboards, don't remove the doors and be sure to paint over the hinges.


39. Saying you 'support' someone's job is just a fancy way of saying 'I allow it.'
40. You can still serve a roast that has been literally set on fire.
41. In small towns, everyone knows everything about everybody.
42. Its possible to get a job that pays enough for rent & bills with no social security number or references.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



46. Making out on the floor with your boyfriend within moments of killing your husband is a tender moment.


47. After a nice backyard picnic with your boyfriend, do walk in the door and immediately make two slices of toast for yourself.

48. When attending a party "for the whole season," please wear your long-ass hair extensions over one shoulder as to expose exactly where your actual hair ends.

49. "Princess" is merely a pet name for "punching bag."

50. If your dinner is late by three days, be prepared for the perfect storm of a beating.

51. When deciding to rent a house in a new town, always carry a huge wad of money in your pocket and simply count it out and hand it to the sales agent on the spot. Who needs a lease, a background check, or anything else?

52. When you have no job, limited cash, and only the clothes on your back, always rent 10X the space you actually need.

53. When your loser asswipe husband refers to your honeymoon and asks you, "Remember the night I taught you to dance?," know that he's not being an arrogant prick. He's merely complimenting your evolution from caveperson to fu*k-tard... and taking credit for your achievements.


"A wig and a fake mustache will always be enough to disguise yourself so much that even your own husband won't notice you."
I can see that working. I used to always be fooled when Clark Kent put on his glasses to disguise himself so that people wouldn't know he was Superman. LOL


54. Apparently its possible to twist an enormous amount of hair into one small bun.

55. Drama teachers seem to like to leave their car doors unlocked.

56. They also never look in their backseat to see a VERY tall man wearing black hiding there.

57. Nursing homes in Iowa, unlike basically every other one in the U.S., don't keep records on visitors.

58. Martin doesn't like to 'be waiting' to hear when Laura has something she wants.

59. One always takes the time to release their hair from a braid when swimming for their lives.

60. Martin doesn't check for dust often, otherwise he'd have found Laura's duffel bag.

61. Swimming instructors sometimes don't know when to mind their own P's & Q's.

62. Everyone keeps all their personal records in a big box labeled "PERSONAL RECORDS".

63. Laura never keeps a plastic cover on her razor.

64. Martin has interesting taste in shoes!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


65. When moving to a new town it's totally possible to find a fully furnished house for rent...
66. That is available that very second....
67. That you clearly don't need a lease for....
68. That is utterly huge...
69. That is only $700 per month...
70. That your new neighbor is a good looking, single, gainfully employed man who is charming, sensitive, and has only your best intersts at heart
71. He can also get you a job at the library....
72. Despite the fact that this is a pretty small town....
73. And that the library isn't likely very big, and probably has all it's staff needs
74. That cutting off 6 inches of your extremely long and incredibly thick hair makes it much easier to wear the worst looking wig in the history of cinema, than if you still had that extra 6 inches of hair
75. That you're paranoid of every little noise in your 'new', huge, multi-room house, but you feel comfortable enough leaving the lights off most of the time
76. That your new good looking, single, gainfully employed neighbor who is charming, sensitive, who has only your best interst at heart also has a really cool mint condition classic car...
77. That he will let you borrow on one of your secret visits to your moms.....
78. And as luck has it he can even offer you a disguise as well! (Honestly, this is the perfect guy!)

79. Oh and it's totally plausible that with your new house, the rent clearly includes the utilties, because there's no way they're going to hook them up without a credit check, and since you're dead.....
80. that when you cut yourself on a razor, you go to the toilet to let the blood drip...not the sink, or just grab a towel. **rolls eyes**

Don't get me wrong, I really like this movie, but I just find things like this hilarious. Hollywood!


81. A neat freak apparently doesn't mind sand and dirt on his shiny shoes and cuffs of his pants, since he trudges through the sand to say good morning to his wife.
82. However, his wife touching him with her damp, sandy fingers might just make him furious.
83. When calling your mother and concerned the call might be traced/line tapped, calling from the center of the very small town you're hiding in (as opposed to the next town at least) is good enough.
84. You can inexplicably fit several outfits into one small traveling shoulder bag.
85. When you reach the town you've escaped to, remove your wig at once.
You're surely safe now!
86. Rental houses in small towns only have rotary style phones.
87. To show you're finally happy, be sure to show as many teeth as you can for as long as you can.
88. You can fully recover from a kick to the crotch in 5 seconds.
89. Your neighbors in small towns will not call the cops when they hear multiple gunshots.
90. When the police arrive, they never ask the victims of crime (or in this case the person who shot & killed someone) for I.D (which she does not have).
91. Martin really likes the color black (black dresses, black suits, black overcoat, black leather sofas, black statues, black dishes, black bowls, black dishtowels in the kitchen, black stockpots...)
92. Iowa has one of the best looking nursing homes anywhere, the staff was kind, the place was clean, Chloe's room looked like a bedroom(!)...even the food looked good!
93. You're in fear from your husband, yet you leave your windows open when you're not at home and wonder how he got in.
94. Psychos rarely blink.
95. They are also able to stand and stare fixedly at a ferris wheel and no one even gives them a second look.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


96. You can keep a neat freak's house spotless, yet never appear to clean anything.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


#97 When going on a murderous rampage, don't count pennies, buy more than four bullets.

"Thank God I'm an atheist"


# 74 -

The whole haircutting scene was so annoying to me. I feel like they should have had her wearing a long blonde or dark brown wig in the beginning of the movie (something NOT her natural color), so that once she escapes, she can cut it and dye it. I just didn't see the point of cutting off the ends of her hair. Not a very good disguise.



99. If you have big glass windows go ahead and smash it because you wanted to put a sliding door there anyway. Plus, that extra open window will cut down on AC costs.


100. If you are afraid of water and your husband beats you, take swimming lessons because you just might happen to go out on a boat.

Well, to be fair, Laura knew her hubby would force her on a boat. Martin told Fleishman he did "at least once a season". Since he figured she couldn't swim, he'd never doubt she drowned.

I just wondered how she ever thought she could jump without him seeing her! What is the likelihood of a violent storm while on a boat? Plus, did Martin always bum a boat ride off someone else? Otherwise it would be just the two of them!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



122. laura!.......laura!!!

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


109. When you are taking swimming classes to someday fake your death and escape your abusive husband, be sure to tell everyone your real name. That way, they can figure out how to reach your husband to give condolences, and mention they met you in swim class (when he thought you were at your cover job, working at the library).

110. Small town colleges have ginormous budgets from their drama departments... enough for a ton of fancy costumes, lighting, special effects like fake snow, and 2 drama teachers.

111. After going to the carnival with your significant other, "freshening up" before the next event means a full on soak in the bathtub and washing your hair. This usually takes only 20 minutes.




116. Never merry someone if you have not lived together with him/her for at least a year or 2.

Yes, i know this topic is'nt meant to be serious. But it seems to me the most important lesson from SWTE, so i guess it should be in this topic.


117. Gymnastics training causes bruises.



And nobody likes a troll.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


118. When fleeing from a madman, there is plenty of time to cut your hair.
119. When visiting your mother, it's not a good idea to let her know where your new boyfriend works.
120. An obsessive neat freak will drink from a public water fountain in a germ riddled nursing home.
121. Country folk really like apples.
122. Wealthy Martin only packs one coat and wears it in every scene in Iowa.


123. When your husband asks you what's for dinner, directly after having breakfast, never say-

Hamburger Helper
Canned Peas and
Store bought sliced bread

You will get slapped upside the head!!!!!


124. Martin speaks lousy French, but he has a GREAT butt!


125. Iowa's police can have a lousy response time to shooting reports.

126. Country-style dresses can make you look overweight when you're not at all.

127. Never tell your swim teacher your real name, just in case she's dumb as a big bag of rocks.

128. Martin spends money lavishly, but not on bullets.

129. Its always good to be nasty as can be to the neighbor friend that just got you a job.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


130. fresh clams are cool but not cooler than your neighbor's stupid party.

I'm with the Mattress Police. There are no tags on these mattresses.


131. Apparently working out makes Martin very, very angry
132. People in small towns think it's normal when well-dressed, childless strangers come to state fairs just to stare penetratingly at ferris wheels

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people


132. pump up the maxi priest if you're having a party.

I'm with the Mattress Police. There are no tags on these mattresses.


133. Martin prefers Laura wear a dress that looks like it barely escaped a paper shredder, rather than a classy pastel dress.

134. Martin doesn't mind some foods from a can (several cans of clam chowder in his cupboard), but the cans better be in perfect formation.

135. One must plan in order to have a spontaneous sexual encounter, clothes in a neat pile, hung neatly, socks together.

136. If Laura doesn't like the nightgown, Martin can...

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


137. If you pick up apples off the ground from under an apple tree, a handsome man will hit on you.

138. You will easily hit and shatter lightbulbs on lightpoles more than 10 feet high, in 5 tries or less.

139. When watering your flowers, it's mandatory to sing "When you're a jet, you're a jet," and squirt your hose and jump about to punctuate it.


140. Nurses are not at all shocked to see a strange man holding a pillow in front of a blind patient's face, poised to smother her.



Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people


141. when julia roberts dresses up like a dude she looks like jeff foxworthy's kooky brother.

Season's Greetings


#142 - Before shooting your abusive estranged husband, there's always time to place a quick call for dramatic punctuation.

"I wanna mean it from the back of my broken hand..." -The Killers


143. No one can see you if you're behind a very thin curtain that's behind a clear glass window

144. Two shots to the upper chest is nothing but a flesh wound and won't stop the victim from still moving forward

145. Seeing someone's true colours isn't possible even in the slightest, ..until you marry them.

146. In a very busy crowded area, no one bumps into you or even looks at you, if you're standing there like a weirdo looking up and holding one facial expression and not blinking.

147. After escaping your abusive husband by faking your own death, it isn't as hard as you think to immediately find and trust a totally new man

148. If someone is attacking you, eventually the right time comes to totally stop putting up a fight, swear at them, and then take a knock out punch

No expectations, no disappointments.


You all are really making me laugh on this thread!



149. "Your house looks good" translates to: "I had sex with your wife" in Martin-ese.

150. 'Sara' doesn't make deals.

151. If your estranged wife is holding a gun on you, calls the police & says, "I just killed an intruder," DUCK!

152. Laura's next move should be to try out for the US Olympic Swim Team.

153. Martin thinks that unaligned towels don't dry skin.

154. Ben teaches a college drama class in an elementary school auditorium.

155. Lisa from The Room could give Laura some tips on stairwell sex.

156. If you're upset, the way to hang up a telephone is to hit it with something...

157. Martin must go through a lot of phones.



158. it's never too early in the morning to make sure the towels in the bathroom are arranged correctly.

You stay classy, San Diego.


159. Laura should invest in a German Shepherd to keep her company.

160. Iowa folks don't like red apples.



141. when julia roberts dresses up like a dude she looks like jeff foxworthy's kooky brother.


"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



you might be a redneck if you pick apples from trees that aren't in your yard.



Bwahahaha! 😄

Now that's a good one.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


if you work at a college be sure to let everyone know you work there as much as possible.



If you 'love that show' or 'direct the show at your college' be sure to NEVER NAME THE SHOW!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
