How could she be horny?

Okay it has been YEARS since I've seen this movie in its entirety, but one scene seems to stick out. It is after they come home from the party, and Martin and Laura start making out in front of the refrigerator. I seem to remember Laura looked like she was receptive to his advances. How could she possibly be aroused by him?


It was an act, she had no choice. She had to pretend to still be madly in love with him up to the moment she "died", so he would accept that she had really died (especially since she knew her "body" would never be found, and her husband is a suspicious type).

That said, sometimes the body responds to arousal even when the mind hates the situation. Women sometimes sexually respond to rape. It doesn't make the crime any less heinous.


Hey thank you for that makes sense.
God, I can't imagine having to fake in bed. He seems like he would make her look at him too...with those possessive, diabolical eyes.


I agree with IzzyTree.
It was an act & a 'reaction' to the situation.....but not only did Laura have to fake it (and Martin knew it, which made it even sicker)

But Laura may have been....not aroused per se....but didn't "mind" having sex that one time with Martin AS MUCH.
Its a pattern; he likely hadn't hurt her much (maybe not at all!) since they'd started their vacation. Laura had loved him deeply when they married, and like most abuse victims, surely kept hoping that they'd never do it again.

You can see not only physical pain but terrible emotional pain, on Laura's face after Martin beats her after he meets the doctor.

Her hope had been dashed yet again, and she knew he would never she HAD to escape if she could.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
