MovieChat Forums > Shattered (1991) Discussion > Yeah, It's the Voice... (SPOILER WARNING...

Yeah, It's the Voice... (SPOILER WARNING)

...that serves as the film's most gaping flaw. Stanton would not have the same voice as Merrick. (By the way, I'm amazed that more people don't correlate the hero's last name with the disfigured title character in The Elephant Man, who's named John Merrick.) Surely, Petersen, who wrote and directed -- along with everyone else associated with the film -- knew this was a serious flaw but just didn't care. Would like to get my hands on the novel it was based on to see if the author worked out a way to cover for this.


I always wondered if anyone else thought of the voice thing, too!


Yeah, it kind of annoys me. But it makes sense....if Jack hadn't had the same voice as Dan, it wouldn't have worked.


Let us hope we are all preceeded in life by a love story...


Voice? and the plastic surgery scars, and the fact he didn't realise he had plastic surgery, and the fact that blonde bit could of just let him in on the plan from the beginning.

There were so many gaping flaws that if we were to look past 10 of them it would still be stupid.


and the plastic surgery scars, and the fact he didn't realise he had plastic surgery,

Why would he realize? He had a car accident and his face was not recognizable anymore. There would be scars anyways.

If the idea is to stay alive, I'm driving.


And the fact that you can't just hand a doctor a photo, and make one person look exactly like another just through plastic surgery. Bone structure makes that impossible.

But, it was a movie, and there has to be some suspension of disbelief, if you want to enjoy the story for what it is.


In the flashback scene where we see the real Merrick form Stanton's perspective, Tom Berenger's voice IS different. It was obviously dubbed by another actor specifically for that scene because the character is different. Furthermore, early on in the film, when the recuperating Merrick (actually Stanton) and his "wife" are in bed, the phone rings, she picks it up and talks to some girlfriend of hers, saying that Dan's voice sounds "sexier" now. That scene obviously implies that there is a noticeable difference in voices and that it is apparently attributed to the accident (as implausible as that may be).

I'm here, Mr. Man, I cannot tell no lie and I'll be right here till the day I die


"You can't just hand a doctor a photo, and make one person look exactly like another just through plastic surgery".

Yeah - I suppose had she handed them a photo of a Chinaman, they would have given her a Chinaman.

There ARE limits to the good old suspension of disbelief; I mean, I could take that kinda sh-t in something like a Bond movie, but not as the defining plot twist in a mystery thriller.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


> "You can't just hand a doctor a photo, and make one person look exactly like
> another just through plastic surgery".
Especially if the surgeons themselves are not aware that it is a different person.

> Yeah - I suppose had she handed them a photo of a Chinaman, they would have
> given her a Chinaman.
Or North Korean, like a reverse Die Another Day.


I just caught this in the middle or so, but did they look at his fingerprints?
