silly question
would you not lock your vehicle if people were getting into it when you were at work ?? (gaines)
sharewould you not lock your vehicle if people were getting into it when you were at work ?? (gaines)
shareYes - it was really odd since Gaines was the only one of the entire bunch who appeared to have a shred of common sense. Not a silly question actually.
Maximus: Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
Thanks; that sheds a lot of light on this incongruity - someone as sharp as Allman leaving his Mercedes unlocked/unguarded, then not even looking at the back seat area when he got into the car - not very likely.
Maximus: Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here? - Gladiator
Not necessarily. Gaines was known as the head honcho around there. Only drunks were stupid enough to crawl into his car to pass out. No one in their right mind would dare messing with Gaines or his car. But then you would think common sense would tell you that if drunks keep using your car as their bed you would lock it. But I think he didn't because he knew people knew to not f''k with him.
shareI also don't think it's a silly question. The first time we see it happen, it is just a drunk in the back. But the second time -- at the very end of the film -- I'm sure it isn't. What drunk could get it together together enough that quick to shoot Gaines? And if it isn't just a drunk, who is it?
shareI'm thinking that it was JJL that shot Gaines. Remember in the scene when she asked Jim what she should do if someone shot him, and he replied something to the effect of "I'd take it as a personal favor if you shot back." And since Gaines killed Jim, that's my reasoning on thinking it was JJL.
shareThere's also a little giveaway that she is the one who shoots him in the end. All through the movie he shakes his head at her every time he sees her. At the end just before the gun goes off he is shaking his head when he turns and sees who is in the back seat.
shareIt was definitely her that shot him. That's why she told the truth in court about planting the evidence, so that he would go free and she could get him back for killing her partner.
shareJennifer Jason Leigh's character (Kristen Cates) was a cop. I'm sure she could break into a locked car without the slightest difficulty, particularly is she were that obsessed with vendetta. My God, car's are broken into everyday without showing the least evidence of a break-in. Even if she made some minor scratches to the door, she probably broke in on the passenger's side, so Allman wouldn't have seen the minor damage done to his beautiful car. But, of course it wasn't a silly question. In fact, it should have entered each and everybody's mind that viewed this wonderful movie. I know it's redundant, and I'm no rock and roll fan (I prefer Hip-Hop, Jazz and Funk) but the music by Robin Trower (Bridge of Sighs) at the end was so "dope" it was the perfect cap for the flic. Cheers, y'alls.
shareI also wondered why he did not park it in a different spot.
shareSeems a conspicuous spot near the front entrance would be the safest in addition to being the most convenient. The lot also seemed mostly dirt with water filled holes. I was wondering how they got those Harleys to not sink their kickstands into the muck and topple over. Not a lot of good places to park.
He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.
I haven't seen the movie in a while but since she was a police officer she may have been able to pick the lock or have the tools to open a door if it was locked. ???