Ahead of its time

Think back to when this movie came out, it wasn't to corny or campy, serious but funny, not too over the top, hell it was better than batman and robin which came out years later. I'd like to see what they would do with a remake of this film, but somebody would prolly ruin it.


Dude Raiders of the Lost Ark came out 10 years before Rockeeter (1991) in 1981, and had all what you describe but even better. Batman and Robin's fault had nothing to do with the 90s and everything to do with the director, Joel Schumaccher and Warner Bros wanting to appeal to the happy meal crowd and making "a toy movie" instead of a serious work of art.


Rocketeer was the best superhero movie of the 90's---instead of being remade, it should be better remembered. The only better superhero movie before hand was Batman (1989) and there wasn't another one as good until X2. Rocketeer was charismatic, thrilling, unique, much better than the comics (which never reached full potential), had interesting surprises and elements, and pure popcorn fun....all in my opinion

"You have your way, I have my way, as for the right way, the correct way, the only way, it doesn't exist." Nietzsche


The only better superhero movie before hand was Batman
There was Superman.

Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb.


Indiana Jones and other similar action-adventure movie comparisons aside, The Rocketeer is a memorable, very well-made and entertaining movie that really stands on its own. Moreover, I think it holds up incredibly well, so... it doesn't deserve the remake treatment.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
