Kids born from 89-91

I've found that kids born from 89-91 know a few key movies:
1) Rock-A-Doodle
2) Little Nemo
3) We're Back!

These three, for most anyone who I talk to my age (I'm a 90) knows them right off the bat and goes "ohhh yeah!!!! i remember that"
i think theres a few more, but those are the only ones i could think off the top of my head.

official website:


I'm an '89, and I remember all of these!


Im An 89 I Just Remember Rock a Doodle


Little Nemo scared me
I LOVED We're Back!
I was also fond of Rock-A-Doodle "I really remembered once I read the Nun's Priest Tale "I think" from Canterbury Tales with the rooster name Chanticleer "MSPD?"
I'm 87!


i did the same thing when we talked about the Nun's tale in senior english. Actually our whole class went out on a tangent about that movie. My teacher was like "Does anybody know what a chanileer is?" and everyone was like "Rock a Doodle!" It got totally off subject, but it was fun.


I'm a 90, and I do recall all of these. Good times.


I think you could include 1988 and 1987 in there, too. I'm an early 1988, and I know my slightly older friends know these movies too.


I was born in '89 and I don't remember any of them :[.

But my friend who is an '88 says she was in love with this Rock-A-Doodle movie.


I was born in 86 and I remember all of them. Haven't seen them in so long though. I used to love Rockadoodle but I don't even remember what happens


I just remember Rock-a-Doodle, I was born in 88.


im 81, dont remember little nemo, but know the others.

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."


I'm an 87 and this and the flight of the navigator are my all time favorite movies from my childhood

"You sit on a throne of lies!"


yeah, I'm an 83 I don't remember any of them except rock a doodle


I'm an 89 and I remember all these movies. Little nemo was my favorite out of these 3.



well I certainly feel old now... I was born in 1983 and I still have very fond memories of all the films you listed. I think its mainly because my little brother who was born in the 89-91 time frame was very into them.


I'm an '88 and I remember "Rock-A-Doodle", but not "We're Back" or "Little Nemo".

Maybe some of you guys know this: I remember watching this movie involving a boy who went on a spaceship with a robot which had some sort of speaker on the end of a metallic arm. They were trying to find the boy's family at some point, but the family they ended up finding wasn't his.

I know, it's EXTREMELY vague, but this has been bugging me for ages. I think this was an early '80s movie, though, so maybe some older siblings know this one.



I'm 87' and I remember all of those...
Little Nemo was sorta scary and screw eye from "We're Back" ws terrifying...



I was born in 89. I remember renting Rock-A-Doodle constantly, of course I've seen Finding Nemo a million times(everytime we had a substitute Freshman year we were left the movie), and even though I have We're Back on tape I've never really watched it. So yeah, I remember those.

EDIT: Wow, I just came back to this thread and realized that I thought you said Finding Nemo instead of Little Nemo. Boy do I feel dumb. I've never seen it anyway though.


I'm an 89, and I've heard of all of those (and have Little Nemo on tape), but actually just seen Rock a Doodle.



Oh man, Rock-A-Doodle, We're Back, Little Nemo...Great movies. Flight of the Navigator, someone mentioned, is still one of my favorite movies. I used to watch it with my dad. I was born in '88. What about the Brave Little Toaster? I don't know when it was made, but that was also a favorite of mine when I was a kid....That and Care Bears Movie.

Don't be stupid, be a smartie. Come and join the Nazi Party.


I was born in 86 and remember draging my old man to the movie theathers to watch this... How embarissing. Yeah I remember Little Nemo, I also remember being angry that my bed couldn't fly like in the movie ^_^ And yes Flight of The Navigator is probably the best child hood movie ever crafted, period.

Sleep is the cousin of death


Haha! I love Toaster, Blankie, Kirbie, Radio, and Lampie. :3

Flight of the the 80's and still a great movie.

"The gates of Hades swing on open, and OUT COMES FREDDYPUSSGIRL!"


Oh, YEAH!!! *recovered memories* And Blankie was all insecure!

And Toaster had a completely a-sexual voice, and that even bugged me when I was like 4!

And the vacuum was so cranky!

*wistful stare* Wow, man.

Indiana: Love it or leave it. ...Hey, where are you going?


Im an '88 as well, and I remember We're Back! And I LOVED it! I also remember Rock-A-Doodle, but it scared But Im not sure I know what Little Nemo is, I'll probably go look it up on here now and be like...OH


*rofl* I just looked it up and sure enough I was like, OH YEAH! lol...anyway, i loved that movie when I was younger, I just havent seen it in soooooo long that I forgot about it!



OMG, so many memories! 88er here. I think I still have the tape of this movie! I used to watch it all the time. Similar movies that I used to watch were "We're Back! A Dinosaur Story", "All Dogs go to Heaven", "The Land Before Time", "The Secret of NIMH", and "Little Nemo". I don't think kids today are watching these kind of movies anymore, and that sucks. Same with TV programming as well.

"They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God." -Elwood Blues


I'm an '89 and they are all my favorites!!!!!

My philosophy is things are just as wrong as they seem - Because Of Me, Seether
