Stupid Reviewer

The person who reviewed this movie so lovingly for us is an idiot. This is a kids movie. When I was young and watching this movie, I did not care that this movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be a musical and I didn't care if the little boy's speech impediment was annoying. I also didn't think to myself, "They should have allowed Goldie's character to mature throughout the movie rather than have the narrator tell us so that way the movie could be two hours long, because being the young child that I am, I love sitting through two hour movies. ITS A KID'S MOVIE!. Maybe, if you're old enough to who Gilbert and Sullivan are, then you shouldn't be critiquing this movie.


I agree with you.

It's a kids movie and it shouldn't be ridiculed.



I've heard more than a few people say that the reason Edmond turns into a cat is because "kittens are easier to animate then boys" since that damn NC review, how in the hell would that work animated boy in a city full of animal people? The idea of him turning into a cat was great, though they could have used a better voice actor. That and the weird ending were the only real problems for me, I could let everything else slide because it was entertaining and I've seen FAR worse. Sure, some kids movies can have logic and I'm fine with that, but I'm not going to dismiss a movie like this just because it doesn't make much sense. It's entertaining, has good animation, mostly good music and the villain is awesome.
