Nice movie, loved it as a child, but: GIGANTIC, GIANT PLOTHOLE
I can`t understand why nobody asked the big question: what is the sense of this movie?
Most of the animated movies featuring animals fall in one of two categories:
1. Animals are anthromorphic, clothed (normally) and totally behave like humen and represent humen; no humen exist because animals are representing humen. Exapmple would be Disney`s "Robin Hood".
2. The animals are actual animals, but speak and behave more humanized than actual animals do. They live in jungles, farms or sea; they live on the streets or are some human`s pets. They are really supposed to be animals, although they are heavily romanticized and behave more child friendly. Example would be Disney`s Lion King, Lady And The Tramp, and most animated series featuring animals.
"Rock a doodle" is a really charming flick, don`t get me wrong, but even as a child, I saw how it didn`t made any sense at all. I mean, at the beginning, they are FARM ANIMALS! They might behave humanized, they even wear clothes, but they live on a farm, chicken`s lay eggs. The rooster cries in the morning. We can clearly see they are NOT supposed to be farmers or something represented by animals for whatever reason- they`re supposed to be farm animals! We know there are farmers, milking the cows, feeding the animals etc.
And then, they go to the city, no humen are present and all animals are totally anthromorphic, representing humen, rock stars, managers and stuff.
I`m speechless nobody, virtually NOBODY asked this, because it leaves the whole movie without sense.
Or maybe it`s so obvious only I fail to see the reason?
I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!