MovieChat Forums > Robot Jox (1990) Discussion > I'm trying to find the name of a movie.

I'm trying to find the name of a movie.

all i know is the plot, i saw it as a kid on HBO and have no idea what it's called. it's like... There's a tall blonde guy and he's a prize fighter who fights aliens in hand to hand combat in a giant space arena. and there's some sort of handicap gravity system or something that makes the matches even between the fighters.

any clues?


it's called ARENA! i found out



yep, definitely Arena


ok people, got another one for you, again saw this film as a kid and don't remember the name, made around the same time as robot jox and arena, its about a bounty hunter from the future (han solo kind of guy) who gets employed to rescue a princess from another planet, the bad guy is this half monster-machine thing with a big claw on one arm. i do remeber the title being really long, like ...... and the adventures through the galxay or somethin. very cheesy, b-movie but i loved it as a kid. any ideas???

adventure? exitement? a Jedi craves not these things...


sounds like:

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone


Oh my god, you rule!

i think you have it!!!

you have no idea how long thats been bothering me....

adventure? exitement? a Jedi craves not these things...


Are you sure you're not thinking of Starcrash?

I'm not sure if it fits your description...but it does have David Hasselhoff as a Han Solo-type!


I am also trying to find the name of a movie, it is about humans who operate robots who battle each other in a gladiator style arena.


you found it Becca! sounds like Robot Jox to me...

and harold, it was definately Spacehunter, i managed to D/L it.

David hasselhoff as han solo? thats sounds intriguing...

adventure? exitement? a Jedi craves not these things...
