all i know is the plot, i saw it as a kid on HBO and have no idea what it's called. it's like... There's a tall blonde guy and he's a prize fighter who fights aliens in hand to hand combat in a giant space arena. and there's some sort of handicap gravity system or something that makes the matches even between the fighters.
ok people, got another one for you, again saw this film as a kid and don't remember the name, made around the same time as robot jox and arena, its about a bounty hunter from the future (han solo kind of guy) who gets employed to rescue a princess from another planet, the bad guy is this half monster-machine thing with a big claw on one arm. i do remeber the title being really long, like ...... and the adventures through the galxay or somethin. very cheesy, b-movie but i loved it as a kid. any ideas???
adventure? exitement? a Jedi craves not these things...