MovieChat Forums > Robot Jox (1990) Discussion > they should do a remake,

they should do a remake,

theyre pretty much remakin every other movie out there, i say they remake this movie and 'the last starfighter'






Oh how dare you say they should do a remake of The Last Starfighter. That movie is perfect the way it is.


Robot Jox is pretty perfect itself.

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Im for a remake of this. Last Starfighter...not so much.


I'm almost sure it will get remade, probably one year after the Neon Genesis Evangelion live-action movie, as a cash-in.

I'm surprised that it hasn't already been announced, after all Transformers has shown that there's big money in giant robots at the moment.

The plot is perfect for a $200 million big dumb summer movie: another war would destroy the planet, so instead nations fight in contests of mechas. Its just waiting for a studio to throw some cash at it.


I would LOVE it if Robot Jox got remade! Its gotta be one of my favorite cheap sci-fi flicks of all time, and a new version with new-age special effects about 2 giant robots fighting for who will own the world? How can you go wrong??

"The less a man makes declarative statements, the less he's apt to look foolish in retrospect."


Charles Band may not have the budget to do a remake, so it may never happen.

I doubt Charles Band owns the rights anyway, I think Robot Wars is an unofficial sequel. And MGM, or whatever studio owns the Remake rights, I highly doubt there'll be a remake, studios don't remake bombs.


I tend to disagree. Clash of the Titans was considered a cult classic, which means it didn't do that well in theaters, but VHS(at the time)and DVD sales were good. Now the remake is coming about this Summer. Also Batman & Robin bombed and they rebooted the franchise with great success.

There I said it, I feel better for it.


I tend to disagree. Clash of the Titans was considered a cult classic, which means it didn't do that well in theaters, but VHS(at the time)and DVD sales were good. Now the remake is coming about this Summer.

I don't think ROBOT JOX even has a cult following. But a remake, or reimagining might work, as transforming robots are popular. I'm looking forward to the live-action ROBOTECH movie, if its even made.

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This is one of the movies I saw as a kid and couldnt remember if it was a real movie or something I had dreamt about. Anyone else have any of these types of movies?


CGI and no imagination/studio execs would ruin a remake.
