Two of the dumbest moments in Robot Jox...
I saw this movie as a kid and I was fascinated by mechs ever since. Everytime something about a big robot comes up, the first movie I think of is Robot Jox and the first TV series, of course, is Giant Robot.
After all the hype about Pacific Rim (which I did enjoy, finally), I got hold of Robot Jox and decided to watch it again. Everything was pretty much as good as I remember it, but two things were too silly for me to digest.
First, the scene in which Achilles is down, but he is staring at Alexander's robots crotch, after which a chainsaw, clearly in the shape of a gentlemen's sausage comes out to finish the job...
Second, the scene (before the scene above?) in which Achilles just rockets off into space for no reason, with no clear plan, gets shot (duh!) and falls back down into the same arena, in spite of having traveled a significant distance up in space along the equator of the globe.
My questions are: 1) Did you think the chainsaw sausage was too crass? and 2) What was the point of going into space? Did they just want to show space because it's cool?
I still enjoyed the movie as much as I hoped I would.