Good DVD anywhere?

This is a great underrated movie, one of the last hardcore action movies before CGI took over. I've owned it for years on VHS, but recently bought the Australian DVD release. One problem- while the picture is great, the film starts in 2.35:1 ratio, then when the credits finish it goes into 1.85:1 ratio. Why, I don't know. Is there a proper widescreen good quality DVD out there from USA, UK, Europe??

In memory of Sam Peckinpah


The old 1998 snap case HBO/Warner Bros. USA DVD is notoriously bad for it's grainy picture and very poor 2.0 sound. Alot of people say it's one of the worst picture quality DVD's out there, so dont look for that one. Try Europe maybe?


This movie needs a proper Blu-ray restoration, and while they're at it...DVD, too!

The current R1 DVD is one of the worst ones I own. Non-anamorphic, full of noise and crap. Awful, awful. Sub-VHS quality.

