MovieChat Forums > Ricochet (1991) Discussion > things i learned from watching ricochet

things i learned from watching ricochet

1. if you are a cop in a hostage situation instead of getting back up it is always best to do a striptease. this will cause the hostage taker to go mad and let go of the hostage

2. it is best to strap your spare gun to your butt than to strap it next to your ankle

3. if you get shot in the knee, you better get some really *beep* heavy books

4. jesse ventura is a pussy

5. books make great body armour

6. it is easy to walk around prisons with a 3 foot samurai sword

7. sword fights happen in prisons all the time

8. old books strapped to your bady makes great body armour

9. if you are going to strap books all over yourself for body armour remember not to put a book accross your chest as it is wiser to put a single sheet of newspaper across your chest instead

10. also if you are going to use a sheet of newspaper as body armour it is best to get one with a picture of someone your enemy hates

11. john lithgow is a bad bastard

12. black men do not suit pink bathrobes

13. if you want people to think your going mad just put some make up on your face


14. The best way to help your friend create a diversion is to let him blow up your drug lab.

15. Turning a racist sycophant against his idol is easy, just tie him to a tower.

16. District Attorneys are celebrities.


I learned you never know when you will get an anal-retentive coroner.


Actually the books would make a fair body armor for punches. At least to the extend that it wont leave marks. Well except blue sore spots. They dont want anyone to die..

I seriously dont get the idea with strapping books around his ankle when he has a nasty bulletwound in the knee.. what was that about ?? enlighten me please.

As for #13.. id say it makes it a plausible thing you´d certainly not do as a person whom people are supposed to trust ALOT ( being district atturney.. you gotta convince people at court)
So the makeup isnt that far out if you really lost it..

though i got another thing:

When you jump down through a window with an exploding building around you.. you wont ever miss the few inces that would be between a fast fall down the tube.. and the exquisit pain from a foot on the other side of the waste tunnel with your nuts turning to dust...


I F'ing love these threads

18. pubic hair makes good floss

19. inmates have easy access to dental records

20. after you arch enemy shoots your best friend, it totally logical to think he'd throw you the murder weapon, still loaded

21. if you want someone to know you're a clown take your nose off, squeek it, and go HaHa

22. midgets- er, little people make the best bartenders

23. inmates get to watch Americas Funniest Home Videos in prison

24. it's not that hard to work Kevin Pollack' Peter Faulk and William Shatner impersonation into a script.

25. it's better to be a District Attorney's wife than the Queen of Sheba

26. Kim makes a good assistant/patron/aid/helper

27. in 1991, arm wrestling only apparently only existed in prisons

28. in 91, if you put IceT in a movie, he's gonna try and rap (you wanna find out who really got the power? Bring your punk ass to the tower!)

29. a 6 foot guy is not gonna fit in a fvck!ng Gremlin

30. The Love Boat comes on after Busted

31. a sex tape can be obviously dubbed, but still cause a scandal

32. the ancient Hawaiians used to sacrifice a pig every time they built a new building.

33. the Rockefellers with their trilateral commissions, who along with the zionists, have been putting AIDS virus in vending machines ALL ACROSS AMERICA!


From JaySherman7: 'inmates get to watch Americas Funniest Home Videos in prison' and 'a sex tape can be obviously dubbed, but still cause a scandal'

LMAO!!! I've been cracking up at those for a couple of minutes!


34. I learned that the black man is free in America because he can run with a pink bathrobe & wave a gun and not get harassed nor blown away before moving approximatley 10 feet.

35. I also learned that all it takes is a "magic eye" to get into a kid's head...Interesting (lol).

36. And buying drugs with telethon money gives you the best high money can buy.

37. All it takes to win a pick-up basketball game is to not play like a white boy.



41.) That convicted murderers are allowed to walk around prison, unrestrained, with powersaws during renovations.


42) John Lithgow's impaled corpse will not only provide instant and immediate proof that a DA's allegations about involvment in murder, drugs, hookers, and child abuse were false, but the news media will declare the DA's absolute innocence to the world within seconds of Lithgow dying.

43) After going to all of the trouble of blowing up a building to make a crazed killer think you're dead, it's a good idea to reveal to the killer that you're really still alive just three minutes afterwards.

44) When Kevin Pollack plays basketball, he dresses like Andy Kaufman did during his pro wrestling matches.

45) When several guards and parole board members have been murdered amidst gunfire and saw torture, nobody in the prison outside of that room will be aware of the fact that anything's wrong.

46) John Lithgow switching a dental records folder with another inmate will make police conclusively believe that a man with a different height, build, and DNA than John Lithgow is, in fact John Lithgow.

47) A bookmobile is a capable getaway vehicle.

48) Even though Lithgow's prison escape got him a half-page picture of his face on the cover of the city newspaper, Lithgow can openly walk around in broad daylight and in public without anybody recognizing him.

49) However, when being looked at through a camera lens hundreds of feet away, at night, at the top of a tower, Lithgow is immediately recognizable.

50) When your wife and kids are in danger, the best place to take them to is the crackhouse where a dozen guys pulled guns on you 30 minutes earlier in the film.


51. after someone throws a gun at you that was just used to kill your partner, and tells you he's framing you, it's a good idea to NOT wipe your prints off the gun.


52. When killing drug dealers, it's best to use a noisy shotgun in a building right next to a crowded fair.

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


53) S&M s**t costs an extra two hundred bucks

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


I used to love this movie so I bought it from the Walmart bin. I forgot how cheesy it really is. The transfer sucks too.

54) An empty swimming pool is a cool place to arm wrestle, do speedballs and screw hookers.

55) If a guy falls off a pointed tower, he will automatically be impaled on a shorter adjacent pointed tower.

56) Denzel is so amazing, he can be swinging from a partially cut rope one second, then be hanging on to a piece of steel with one hand 20 feet above him the next second.

57) Even if you threaten Ice-T and his crew with a grenade, he will still be a really good friend that will do anything for you.

Y'all hear that? We're using code names.



62 - stripping is always a good resource
63 - trash containers are enough to block police cars



64.Suddenly screaming and thrashing around like a crazy man is a great way to get the jury to trust you as a prosecutor.
65.If you want to get revenge on someone and get away with it, always make sure to leave up countless photos of that person and associates in your prison cell so no one will suspect you're targeting them.
66.If you're desperate to prove that the man everyone believes is dead is alive and terrorizing you, be sure to leave behind the first evidence you have of this (the videotape) and then don't even bother double-checking it when you get back home and finally realize it is important.
67.Be sure to invite the press when you're trying to reveal something you're not sure is there (the site of his detention/pool). This confirms what I already suspected from watching Geraldo.
68.Don't tell your wife that you were raped while detained by this madman because they surely won't use that against you later.
69.When you're told that your blood test results are of a delicate nature, keep the call on speakerphone since no one will be within convenient earshot to hear this.
70.If several inches put up a fight, you won't get the clap.
