MovieChat Forums > Ricochet (1991) Discussion > Apparently men being raped by women does...

Apparently men being raped by women doesn't exist for his wife in this-

According to her "I can think of seven inches that didn't mind touching her" when talking about when Denzel was drugged, tied up, and forced to have sex. I guess when every woman who is raped and gets wet during the rape in the end enjoyed it and therefore it's not rape, lol.

I know society has gone a long ways in the 23 years since this was released and othewise it's a great throwback actioneer to Denzel's early career (though ironically his best action movies are just coming out in the past 8 years, The Equalizer looks amazing, for example. He and Liam Neeson belong in a movie together with John Cusack imo :P )...Anyway, it was just silly to hear that and it's not like it's not an uncommon double-standard in societies across the globe.

I'm a victim of pedophilia (though it was a man, an older woman, and their daughter, I think, she was within a year of my age which was nine at the time),so it's hard for me to not take examples of that kind of hypocrisy seriously. I don't know if anyone reading this can get that but I hope they could respect it at least. Then again, this is the internet, heh...(raises Flame-Barrier)


I'm very sorry to read about your experience hoboboxerjoe. And I do understand and respect what you're saying. I don't know if you were able to report these sick people for what they did to you, and their daughter, but I hope you have found some sense of peace with your life despite this experience. My heart goes out to you.

With respect to the film however, the sad truth is that it's much easier for society to believe a person's every sexual experience, whether they're male or female, is consensual. Of course, child abuse is the worst form of abuse. Yet, and I don't know what your experience was, I also suspect that it's even harder for adults to be believed, particularly when they're as confident and charming as Denzel Wsshington's character in this film. In this instance he was seen in video footage edited to give the impression he was enjoying consensual sex with a beautiful woman. The sad truth is, many people would fall for that lie and not believe it to be rape. I also wonder if seeing her husband having sex with a white, blonde woman particularly upset Denzel's wife in the film. Her judgment may have been clouded by that apparent betrayal (I'm not suggesting that Denzel's character committing an apparent affair with a black woman would be much better, but it wouldn't play into the whole social perception, sadly popular at the time, that black men craved a white partner - see the same year's 'Jungle Fever' which deals brilliantly with the subject).

I hope this doesn't sound too glib, especially in terms of what you have told me about your own terrible experience, but I seriously wonder if this is a real fear of Denzel's. Apparently he feels very strongly about not alienating his black female audience by doing love scenes with white actresses on-screen. He's also been happily married to a black woman for over thirty years (which is already impressive by Hollywood standards). I wonder if being wrongly accused of cheating with his wife, moreover with a white woman, is something that bothers him, at least on a subconscious level (many of us, including myself have irrational fears of things that are unlikely to ever come true).
