Apparently men being raped by women doesn't exist for his wife in this-
According to her "I can think of seven inches that didn't mind touching her" when talking about when Denzel was drugged, tied up, and forced to have sex. I guess when every woman who is raped and gets wet during the rape in the end enjoyed it and therefore it's not rape, lol.
I know society has gone a long ways in the 23 years since this was released and othewise it's a great throwback actioneer to Denzel's early career (though ironically his best action movies are just coming out in the past 8 years, The Equalizer looks amazing, for example. He and Liam Neeson belong in a movie together with John Cusack imo :P )...Anyway, it was just silly to hear that and it's not like it's not an uncommon double-standard in societies across the globe.
I'm a victim of pedophilia (though it was a man, an older woman, and their daughter, I think, she was within a year of my age which was nine at the time),so it's hard for me to not take examples of that kind of hypocrisy seriously. I don't know if anyone reading this can get that but I hope they could respect it at least. Then again, this is the internet, heh...(raises Flame-Barrier)