Richard + Lilli smarter?

Is it me or did Rchard and Lilli seem alot smarter about life then Richard and Emmeline. They were dumb as a pile of rocks. I mean atleast Lilli understood about being pregnant and when it was due and such. Dumb ass Emmeline just got fat and kept eating until one day Richard heard her screaming and discovered her having a baby. Then later Richard says something like, "how did you have the baby?' Emmeline, "I don't know." It was enough to make me want to hide under my bed.


In this movie...they are rasied by a woman who taught them what they would need to know. Thats how Lilli knew about her period...and didn't freak out like Emmeline...In the first Movie, the guy didn't teach the children much before he died.


yeah they were because Lilli's mom told them most about puberty when they were young and about getting married and stuff.


Did you actually WATCH both movies?? The children in the second movie had a woman to teach them about life. In the first movie, they had only Paddy, who only taught them how to survive. Everything that they learned about being adult was from those slides that they were always looking at.


I agree, did u even watch the movies? Em and Richard were only children when they first came to island they learned nothing about sex, or anything in that matter at all. So they were alone struggling with going into adulthood, without knowing nothing about it. As Richard (Patty) and Lilli, were taught by Lilli's mother

"It's not the Scar that you make , It's the Memory you leave with it"


I totally agree with you but the only reason why Lilli was smarter is because her Mom taught her about all of this stuff. And that she grew up with her mom. Emmeline just grew up with her uncle.


Get me a juice box beyotch!


I agree about the woman being the reason. However, Emmeline was pretty silly not to suspect something about her growing size especially since she had to have noticed that something was moving in there. With or without the woman teaching Lilli and Richard they were probably still smarter than Emmeline and the other Richard. Just my opinion but they should've been able to grasp some of what was happening to them.

I feel just like a dead athetist! -All dressed up with no where to go.
TCJS, Savvy?


You're entitled to your opinion of course.

But when you say, "Emmeline was pretty silly not to suspect something about her growing size especially since she had to have noticed that something was moving in there," I think you either haven't seen it in a very long time or weren't paying very much attention. Of course she noticed something moving in there -- and definitely doesn't think everything's just fine -- there's a whole scene about it.

Right after a nighttime scene where Richard takes away a coconut and says "Will you stop eating, you're getting fat," and an early morning scene where Richard sees her throwing up and looks (in my opinion) worried, there's a nighttime scene where she's sitting upstairs in their hut finger-combing her hair. Richard comes up the ladder and approaches her, she shrugs him away, he makes a (in my opinion) frustrated-sounding sigh, and to quote word-for-word:

Em: I'm sorry Richard.
Richard: You didn't wanna all day yesterday either. Whatsa matter Em, don't you love me anymore?
Em: Yes, I love you more than ever, Richard.
Richard: Then why don't you wanna do it?
Em: It just hurts right now, that's all. When it stops hurting we'll do it.
Richard: When is that gonna be? [Em doesn't answer.] I don't understand, Em. Why does it hurt?
Em: I don't know. I don't know anything. But if you touch my tummy right now you can feel it.
Richard: Feel what? [Em positions his hand.] How'd you make your tummy move like that?
Em: I'm not doing it.
Richard: It's not doing it by itself.
Em: Yes it is.
Richard: There! I felt it again! What's making it do that, Em?
Em: I don't know.

Leaving out my opinions about her looking scared, sounding scared, and sounding almost scared enough to cry, it's still obvious they know something's very not right.

Personally I think she's smart and intuitive to associate something moving in her tummy with what hurts where, instead of associating it with the other weird things that also involve her tummy, the constant hunger and the frequent throwing up (although those do, less directly, have to do with the same thing).

The very next shot is her looking at her reflection in a pool, feeling her now-huge belly with her hands and inspecting its size. True, she doesn't suspect there's a baby inside her -- last she was told they get dug out of a cabbage patch, and in some sad cases the doctor has to plant them again in the cabbage patch so they can grow into an angel. But it seems clear to me she's very aware that there's something drastic happening to her body.

"Just my opinion but they should've been able to grasp some of what was happening to them."

My opinion is that staging themselves a wedding ceremony (looking at the wedding slide and then dancing together in more clothes than they ever wear) soon after they discover sex shows a remarkable intuitive grasp of what was happening to them.


I forgot about that scene in the hut. You're right I haven't seen this movie in a while. I got it for Christmas but haven't watched the DVD yet. It's been at least a year since I saw it. Sorry about that oversight.

I feel just like a dead athetist! -All dressed up with no where to go.
TCJS, Savvy?


Sorry about that oversight.

Not a problem -- sorry if I sounded a bit snippy. Not all of us have watched it the truly disturbing and inappropriate number of times I had in the preceding few weeks (stress venting from Organic Chemistry, strange but true). Hey, at least you didn't call them "dumb as a pile of rocks" for not being born knowing all about reproduction.

I don't know where the OP got the idea that Lilli knew when her baby was due. She told Richard there was a baby growing inside her, they agreed to stay on the island to raise it, and next thing you know they're playing in the water with their baby.

The mom had told Richard Jr. and Lilli that there's a special place inside a woman where a baby grows and stays warm and safe until it's ready to be born. Richard Sr. and Emmeline had been told that babies get dug out of a cabbage patch.

I could go on a major rant about the difference between not being knowledgeable or not being smart, but (besides not wanting to act like a troll) golly that would be tedious of me.


atleast Lilli understood about being pregnant and when it was due and such.

I don't know where you got the idea that Lilli knew when her baby was due. She asks Richard to teach her to play a lullaby on his whistle, and says she'll have use for it -- she doesn't say when exactly.

later Richard says something like, "how did you have the baby?"

He saw how she had the baby. In fact look at his eyes get big right before her last big scream. I think he got more of an eyeful than he might've preferred.

He says "Why did you have a baby?" and in this case the small differences in the question are important. He's constantly asking Em why everything is, and she's never able to tell him.

Richard Jr. and Lilli were told a baby grows in a special place inside a woman, and were told a man makes it grow there when they lie extremely close.

Richard Sr. and Em were told babies get dug out of a cabbage patch. I think they're reasonably smart to instantly transfer the phrase "have a baby" onto what just happened to Em. I think it's extremely smart of them that right after they discover sex they realize people who are doing that are supposed to be married.

(Why do I think the scene of them dancing is a wedding? (1) Right before it, they look at the stereopticon slide of a wedding. (2) It's the absolutely only time we see Em put on that high-collared, ankle-length dress, the rest of the time she wears undergarments as clothes; and the absolutely only time we see Richard in trousers. (3) Having established that they don't know what causes babies, when Richard swings their toddler up to Em on the beach and he reaches back for Richard, Em says (barely audibly, but unmistakably), "Do you wanna go to your Daddy?" Suggesting to me that she considers Richard the husband of the baby's mother (her).)


Too bad Paddy never told them about puberty and sex before he died. Richard Sr. and Em were way behind and long overdue for a lesson in sex education for most people their age.


Have you even watched The Blue Lagoon? Richard and Emmeline didn't know anything about the facts of life, but Richard and Lilli DID! You being incompetent makes me want to hide underneath my bed!

"All my friends are dead
All my friends are dead"


"Too bad Paddy never told them about puberty and sex before he died. Richard Sr. and Em were way behind and long overdue for a lesson in sex education for most people their age."

No, actually they WEREN'T overdue for a lesson in sex education, not for the time they were living in. I think you're looking at it from today's perspective, rather than the era this movie takes place in. This movie is set when? In the 1800's? Sex was something that was NOT widely talked about, kids were actually shielded from such issues, they weren't educated about sex nearly as early on as kids are now. Kids also did not go through puberty as early as they do now.


If you read the books some things about the story will make more sense. The book sequels have little in common with this movie other than the fact even though the original end with Arthur Lestrange asking if the original main characters and the baby is dead or alive despite being told they are asleep in both the second book and the movie sequel the lovers from the first movie and book are newly dead in the second book the first thing said in the book is the young lovers has just stopped breathing while the child is still relatively healthy and he is the main character of both the sequel to the movie and the other two books in the series. Even though in the first movie it does not say they know what makes a baby in the book it implies they have some idea after the child is born one passage from the book about the baby says the young lovers would talk about his creation without a blush.

