plot hole (*spoilers*)

I know, this isn't a masterpiece, and there are LOTS of things that you could nitpick, but here is one I noticed:

When they return to the island they find the thatch house that Em and Richard had built and lived in. I got the impression that the house was supposed to look kind of old, like "somebody lived here long ago".

The thing is, the total time from when Em/Richard/Paddy drifted out to sea until the new folks arrived can't have been more than a few weeks.

Shouldn't the house still look more or less intact and recently lived in?


Well to me it looked lived in but not that it was not touched for a long time. Odds are only small repairs would of been done if the house overall held up. So it would look old from when it was first built when they was kids.

A man can change his stars


actually... if u remember the first movie, the house was destroyed... em, richard and the baby had been away for a while, and when they returned it was destroyed (presumably by the natives of the other island)and that's why they had decided to leave the island to go somewhere else...
that's what i couldn't understand about the relation between the two movies


Nope. The first house was the one that they lived in with Paddy Button. After he passed away, Em and Richard left to what I thought was another nearby island. That is where they built their own hutt and lived their whole lives till that tragic day..


The house wasn't destroyed and they didn't decide to leave, Em wanted to see where Paddy died (don't remember why) so Richard took her and baby Paddy there, they looked around Em and baby Paddy then waited in the boat for Richard, she fell asleep they drifted a bit, Em woke up called out to Richard, he swam out to them, they lost the boats oars and drifted further out too sea & couldn't get back to the Island, then we're found by the ship.

"I'll set my course by you my northern star"
