Bad religion

Sharon was depressed and lacking goal and vision in her life. She was unstable and ended up getting involved in a sect espousing insane apocalyptic visions and teachings. This, coupled with her emotional instability and distress led her to commit a terrible act.

In the end, all the insanity taught by her religion turned out to be true, and furthermore, she could be forgiven, but she would have to love the God of the faith that she felt had led her down the wrong path, the God who had allowed such sorrow to occur. This she was unable to do, so she remained in her own personal dark hell forever.

It's surreal, at least in the end, but I don't think it's so difficult to understand. It can probably be interpreted literally or figuratively.


For starters, I agree with you on how bad Sharon's life was and how this religion lead her down a dead end path but what I wish I could tell her is; God didn't allow such sorrow to occur in the world. Man did that (Man as in Humanity did that), but it is also up to us Humanity to make it better and make our own lives better for ourselves. I would have advised her to quit her job and get a job where she is helping people and when she helps people she will feel good about herself. Then I would tell her that, she can have sex if she wants but *beep* only last for the night or a few minutes, try falling in love and see how long *beep* will last. Then finally, the only ending that will come is the end of crazy people who start wars and people like Bush refuses to bring back our troops. God loves you slut or not a slut, we are His children wheather we abandon Him or not, He is still there for you.


You guys seem to miss the point. God doesn't exist.

One should judge a man mainly from his depravities.Virtues can be faked.Depravities are real.Kinski
